Saturday, January 21, 2006

I Tried To Warn Ye

You Guys Is Being Used

Okay, I've written about this many times but I'll go over it again.

You good Christian Conservatives are being USED by business interests. I first stumbled upon this in 2003 while doing research.

The great master of manipulating Christians to support business interests is Ralphie Reed, former director of the Christian Coalition. See, Ralphie knows how to work up his "base" with emotionalism and get them to the polls.

Most recently, he used this ploy during his work as a so-called "political advisor" in Texas. See, he got his Christian fundamentalist foot soldiers all worked up about keeping gambling casinos out of Texas Indian reservations. What he didn't tell anyone (and says he didn't know) is that funding for this initiative was coming from Louisana Indian casinos who didn't want the competition in Texas.

An e-mail from Michael Scanlon (friend of superlobbyist Jack Abramoff) reads:

"Simply put, we want to bring out the wackos to vote against something and make sure the rest of the public lets the whole thing slip past them. The wackos get their information through the Christian right, Christian radio, mail, the Internet , and telephone trees."

See, good Conservative Christians, you are faithfully serving business interests, and the lobbyists don't even respect you. They are calling you "wackos." They know how to touch the "gambling button" and "Christian morals button" and whatever button they want to get you to jump up and do exactly what they want.


So now, Ralphie, who was involved with all of this, is running for Lt. Governor of Georgia. He knows the system, he knows how to work the single-issue voters. This time, don't fall for it. Please! These people use Christians for financial enrichment. It's like the "Christians" who swindled my mother's life savings in an investment scheme. Yes, they are working you and playing you for a fool.

Don't fall for it, and don't vote for Ralphie.

"The corrupt lobbyists who were leading this effort were counting on the gullibility of Christian conservatives and the ignorance of everyone else."

Boy, that says it all.
Source: Jan. 20, 2006, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

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