Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Labor, Babies, and More...

Hello, is anyone listening out there? Does anyone really care? Even today as I was driving home I found myself trying to rationalize all the clear-cutting in my area. I say to myself, 'See Goose, there are still some trees over there, and some over there too. It's going to be okay. Those naughty humans surely won't take EVERY tree!"

Like a friend of mine says, there is just something special about those trees and greenspace. They do more than anything to put me in touch with nature, and to put me in touch with God. SO WHY ARE WE SO FUCKING DETERMINED TO CUT DOWN EVERY LAST TREE AS FAST AS WE CAN?

Because we humans are, well, stupid. We are stupid as dirt. We have lost our connection with nature, and we have lost our love for nature. The natural land of the Earth is for the sole use of humans, who feel they have an absolute right to have all the children they want, who, in turn, grow up, buy cars, buy houses, and contribute to the slaughter of more nature.


It's only good for getting more wealth to a lucky few who are already rich. In the meantime, a giant underclass is growing. The income gap between the rich and the poor is growing in the U.S. Those five kids you just had to have only dulute the cost of labor. The "MACHINE" uses your children as cheap labor, and then spits them out when done. If we had less kids, we would be in control. The corporate structure would have to pay us more and treat us better because they would be competing for a limited labor pool. But right now, we give them all the labor units they want. Reproduction is the one thing humans are good at, and even though our global population is skyrocketing, many, many people continue to have 4-10 kids.

Okay, I know this is a complex issue, and I know a lot of people will scream "immigration reform," but I see this as a world problem. I do not recognize political boundaries -- we are all one people. So, it's really us against the massive institutions that exploit us because of our own stupidity.

Stand up, oh human, and join me in the global Sustainability Movement. The first step in joining is to limit your family size. This is the best thing you can do to help the environment and avoid feeding our incredibly destructive world economy. Starve them of the cheap labor that the corporate stooges so long for. Cheat them of their quick buck. Defy them!

The Troubled Goose

Friday, August 18, 2006

Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is???

Does Anyone Really Care?

I'm starting to get really frustrated because when I try to talk to people about the serious problems our world faces, I get accused of being "doom and gloom." A famous podcaster named Eric even suggested that I am an Eeyore. This is yet another bizarre defense mechanism that people have. They just don't want to hear your bad news -- they just cut you off. They don't want to deal with it.

It's like you know something's really wrong with you, maybe a freaky mole growing on your body, but you refuse to go to the doctor. By ignoring it, people must figure, it will somehow go away.

So, when I discuss global warming, human overpopulation, and other serious environmental ills, people just see me as a negative, pessimistic person. So, HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO EDUCATE AND WARN PEOPLE IN A HAPPY SORT OF WAY?

"Hehe, the polar caps are melting. Hey, at least now we can farm in northern Canada!"

Easter Island Syndrome

Another thing that continues to haunt me is Easter Island. First off, the whole place is freaky to begin with. How did people get there? Exactly how did the civilization die? Jared Diamond's book on the subject, titled "Collapse," offered a lot of insight. And I've been thinking about it even more. It seems the island was broken into rival feifdoms and that each "lord" was competing to build the biggest and best statue to the gods. In so doing, they cut down all the trees to use for transporting the stone statues. They also seemed so obsessed with building the statues that they let other things go. In other words, it was probably THEIR RELIGION that killed them. This is just a theory, but we are sure seeing a repeat today, only on a more global scale.

he population of Easter Island reached its peak at perhaps more than 10,000, far exceeding the capabilities of the small island's ecosystem. Resources became scarce, and the once lush palm forests were destroyed - cleared for agriculture and moving the massive stone Moai. In this regard, Easter Island has become, for many, a metaphor for ecological disaster."

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Grand Oil Party

Today it was hot as hell and it makes me furious that the U.S. Congress still doesn't get it. What a pathetic joke they are. I hate having to send my taxes to a bunch of nobodies in Washington who do nothing but vote themselves raises. During the few times they actually pass major legislations, they get the lobbyists to write it for them. For the most part, Congress is made up of vast numbers of unprincipled nothingness. Yes, there are a few exceptions, but for the most part the Georgia delegation is a group of nothingness, well, at least all the Republicans (whoops, sorry). Senators Johnny Isakson and Saxby Chambliss are both nothingness who have made absolutely no contribution to our future.

The point is, just how many plagues does Congress need to see before they do something about global warming? My god, the Senate just passed a bill to allow drilling in the Gulf, but the idea of encouraging conservation doesn't enter their minds. Very few Senators and Representatives are willing to take a stand on perhaps the greatest issue facing our Planet in 45 million years. It is so much more convenient to deny, dispute, or just ignore the problem.

I really see the United States as the nation that can be a great leader and role model for this World, but instead we act selfishly and stupidly on every front. We were the nation that refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol because it would "hurt the economy." But the path my sorry government has chosen to take is all about putting off the long-term in favor of short-term comfort and laziness. We live in a so-called "Christian" nation where it's all about "me," and I see a major conflict with these two values.

So, in closing, I applaud the members of Congress who are standing up and speaking out about global warming. Hurray to the Democrats and moderate Republicans who actually give a damn. "BOOO" to the arch conservatives who continue to sling excuses at this issue.

Really, whether you are a Congressperson or some poor person living in an unairconditioned apartment, you still have to deal with this hot nightmare. This is a horrible crime being committed against our children, and I hold the U.S. Congress accountable for this great crime of neglect.