The Toad

Todd the Toad

When I was growing up in central Florida I was given the nickname of "Toad," I guess because my name is "Todd." I didn't like the name all that much.

I was relieved when my family moved to Georgia, and I could finally leave the name behind. I had a new school, and made new friends. But my sister couldn't resist. She called me "Toad" in front of my newly made friend and the name spread like wildfire throughout my high school.

Now, if someone were to call me Toad today I'd be proud of it. Toads are majestic animals and I love seeing them on my hikes. 

As a child growing up in Miami, Florida I remember seeing giant toads. They secreted a white, milky poison from their skin. We kids knew not to pick them up, and they were kind of ugly anyway. I just let them hop around the backyard.

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