Me at a German restaurant in Helen, GA, with a lemon
in my mouth. I took my daughter to see Helen during
her Thanksgiving holiday. The whole place is a cheesy
tourist trap, but it was still fun.
What do I want to do for 2006? I suppose I want to continue the good fight. But since 2003 I've experienced a burnout and I just can't seem to muster the strength, energy, and passion that I once had. For six years I went full throttle as an environmental activist: Political campaigns, zillions of meetings, demonstrations, conservation work. I still want to help the cause, but I just don't have that drive in me anymore. One way I know that I can help is to be an encourager and mentor to others. If I've hit a wall, maybe there's someone else out there that I can positively influence to lead the Sustainability Movement. I know that I was never destined for greatness and never had a desire to be a politician or some famous leader. That goes against my humility pledge, which is to be total dirt. That is how I understand Christianity - total humility.
My friends in the environmental movement are my family and community. To help and take care of them is the best thing I can do. Besides, I LOVE being around like-minded people.
Yellow Canary Reviews
I did get a very nice review of my website and blog a couple of months ago. The nice person said I appeared amazed that so many people haven't considered or accepted what I believe is the obvious. Well, this good person is very perceptive because that is the bottom line. I am AMAZED, truly amazed that people live their lives and simply don't "get it." I'm talking about the big issues, like global warming and overpopulation, and how they are having a huge impact on our daily lives. People don't understand why manufacturing jobs are going overseas, or why people in South America hate us. They totally don't get it, and they react to these situations in a totally ignorant and bizarre fashion. A perfect example is Pat Robertson, who said that the president of Venezuela should be assassinated. That says it all right there, and the Rev. Robertson is the perfect spokesperson for a massive, mindless, majority. Thank you, Pat.
Oh, and here is an excerpt of the nice review of my website, written by a brother:
Your website is impressive, both interesting and enlightening, clear, concise and funny. I like it. Most importantly, your writing style is non-confrontational. You are able to portray your opinions as self evident facts, that you are amazed many people haven't considered or accepted. I like your quick guide to agree to reducing our footprint, it hits the big items that people can act on. This website will increase awareness of pressing environmental problems. Do you have much traffic on it? How long has it been up? Why did you choose the metaphor of yellow canary?
A Little Housekeeping
This blog is entirely about one person's quest to achieve global sustainability. Every entry is related to this topic. When I first started this blog I had a couple of entries not related to this subject, so tonight I removed one and modified the other to fit (is that allowed)? This blog is really an open diary of my search for answers: Not the mystery of life, but how humanity and the Earth is going to ever survive. Right now, humanity is living unsustainably. In other words, we cannot go on living the way we are now indefinitely. We can't keep throwing away tons of plastic, wasting water, having large families, and wasting ungodly amounts of energy. Despite what the clueless economists suggest, we can't keep growing indefinitely. In fact, GROWTH IS NOT GOOD. Yes, we are programmed to believe this, but it is untrue.
Wise up, oh ye humans. You all are in for a big shock.
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