Sunday, February 12, 2006

Does Anyone Know What Time It Is?

Well, I haven't blogged lately because I don't think anyone really reads it, and I don't think anyone really cares. I guess I could say that I'm doing this for my own benefit, but I already know what I think, and the time spent blogging could be better spent on other tasks. But anyway, maybe I will blog some more later — maybe I won't. Here is a message I posted recently on the Atlanta Leavers discussion list, which sums up how I'm feeling today:

Alan & Brian,

Belatedly, I wanted to thank you both for your thoughts (Alan on Gaia and Brian on Today v. Tomorrow people).

I do believe that after trillions of years, our Universe and the ones before it, have created a consciousness, which some call Gaia.

This week I did a lot of reading on parallel universes. For an excellent summary of this theory, visit:

The point being, a lot of the great mysteries of the Universe can be approached when you factor in multi dimensions (11 of them) and parallel universes. Once we get more atom-smashers online, I think we will begin to learn how our matter exists on many planes, and what we see with our five senses, and even with our technology, is only a small piece of the pie.

I am trying to tie all this into perspective of current world events. We talk a lot about the New Renaissance. However, what I see now is that the extremists of the Abrahamic faiths are determined to lead us into a third world war. Once Iran gets nukes, other Arab nations will quickly nuke up, which is an easy task since the oil-addicted West will continue to give them unlimited financing. And if we don't, hell, India and China will.

So, I'm trying to put energy, religion, overpopulation, and Gaia into perspective. I'm trying to understand why humans are determined to destroy themselves and their Planet, all in the name of their version of Gaia.

I really started my journey at age 10 with a simple question: "Why are humans destroying so much of nature so quickly? If they have taken so much just in my few years here on the Planet, what will the Earth be like in 100, or, say, 1,000 years?"

My journey took me on a road to environmentalism, overpopulation, women's rights, sustainability, Daniel Quinn and Deep Ecology, human behavior, God, space, and to now, interaction with multiple dimensions and universes.

I believe that the more we dig, the better we will understand ourselves. However, I no longer believe there are enough progressives on the Earth to avert the impending war.

Yellow Canary

"I think it's pretty lousy to wake up at age sixteen and realize you've already been screwed. Not that there's anything terrifically unusual about getting screwed at this age. It seems like everyone inside fifty miles is bent on doing you in. But not many sixteen-year-olds get screwed in this particular way. Not many have the OPPORTUNITY to get screwed this way. I'm
grateful, I really am."

-- opening of "My Ishmael

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