Now, this new Iranian president is a real
piece of work. Bush don't pay any attention
to us tree-huggers, but this guy sure can
get his attention.
Goodness Gracious Alive
So, I've been reading a lot on Iran lately. Yeah, they are a real thorn in America's side, a real pain in the butt. Funny thing is, and this just hit me today, is that all the SUV owners are driving us to nuclear war. See, I was shocked to learn that Iran has the second largest oil reserves in the world, so they have endless money and a lot of power. They put out 4.2 million barrels a day on the world market.
Thus, when you drive around in your gas-guzzler, you are giving Iran more leverage and more bargaining power. We need that oil more than anything, but it's just paving the way for them to build nukes. And they surely plan on nuking Israel, so when they do it, the Christian yuppies in their SUVs can go around screaming, "Armageddon, Armageddon, see I told ya so!" Wow, talking about a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Let me now wander no more. I'm so disgusted by this crazy world and the mindless masses who don't "get it" that I'm about to go nuts. Why do we humans want to destroy ourselves so badly? Why can't we keep on learning, progressing, sharing, loving, and caring? Why does it all have to end in a nuke showdown between theocracies?
On A Happier Note
I'm not really big on the immigration issue because I see it as simply a side-effect of our global population explosion. But, nevertheless, I really like this witty letter to the editor in today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Most people will read this and go, "Huh, I don't get it." But I sure do.
Dear Editor,
Jay Bookman believes my objecting to subsidizing labor costs of the construction, poultry, and other industries makes me an immigrant basher and a bigot.
I belive the the house-building boom has generally been a bad thing for Georgia and an environmetnal disaster for a town once known as "a city in a forest." I reject the argument that illegal labor is essential to our "prosperity." Bulldozing our forest to build new subdivisions, or selling out our citizenship for cheap chicken nuggets, isn't the kind of "prosperity" we need.
D. Lee Smith
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