Question: What is that green spray paint crap behind you?
Answer: That, Johnny, is a piece of the Berlin Wall that I'm standing in front of. When that wall fell, it gave me tremendous hope. These days, I don't have much hope left, but when I look at a picture of that wall, I feel really good again. Knocking down that wall was a big step forward, and knocking down walls is what my blog is all about.
Question: Why do you have such a twisted look on your face?
Answer: Because I took this stupid responsibility pledge and I promised that anything that happened in the world would be my responsibility too. So, now I'm feeling a lot of pain. For instance, all these wars going on in the Middle East right now, well, I can feel that pain. I don't know if I'm just getting more acute as I get older or what. I keep thinking about the African-American journalist in Chicago who committed suicide because she couldn't stand all the misery in the world. I spent most of my career as a journalist, and I've seen a lot of crap too. Man, it really makes my face twist, and it made most of my hair fall out too.
Question: What's your remedy for the violence in the Mideast?
Answer: Oh, come on, man, it's late. But to achieve peace, I think the changes must be foundational. I think there must be a change in attitude. Believe it or not, but America is a HUGE PART of the problem. We supposedly subscribe to these so-called Christian values, but instead of being a gentle, humble, and loving nation, we are an arrogant, aggressive, selfish, and militant country. I think this mass hypocrisy is manifesting itself in many ways throughout the world, including the continued incitement of violence. As you'll see on my profile, my favorite quote is something like, "Communism is an extreme reaction to the excesses of capitalism." Thus, "Religious fanaticism is an extreme reaction to ..." You guessed it folks. I know you don't like to hear it ... I don't even like to hear it.
I looked in the mirror and the enemy was .... Ralph Nader (nope) .... PeeWee Herman .... (nope). The enemy is you! The enemy is all of us.
Whew, I need a glass of water.
The Goose
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