My biggest shock lately is how irrational people are. I've had a few cases in my life lately where people are engaged in risky activity, and when I talk to them about it their reaction is to simply get furious with me. I'm not sure what to do, but their behavior is affecting their safety, health, appearance, and, in one case, the safety of their children. Their reaction is to:
- Deny it.
- Rationalize it.
- Get furious with me in an attempt to intimidate me from bringing it up again.
- Blame the problem on everyone and everything else.
The World
On a global scale I also see extreme irrationality. Most amazingly, people are born into a belief system and they just accept it, and never question it, no matter how destructive it is. People tend to just adapt to their culture without thinking twice. In fact, that vast majority of humanity is trapped in some sort of belief system that cannot be proven and almost always does more harm than good. For instance, religion causes self-righteousness and indifference, yet people keep inhaling the holy white powder as our society and environment continue to collapse. As things crumble, instead of accepting responsibility and taking action, they simply inhale more lines of holy powder.
The Flaw
I just turned 50 and I continue to sail through life, continually looking around, and saying, "What the ....." because to me, society is a madhouse. I exist in a controlled nuclear reaction where it's just a matter of time before the roof blows off.
Let's Invade A Country
As an example of our national irrationality, let's take Iraq as an example. In Iraq, we have a nation divided by religious sects, clans, and ethnic groups. Some of these folks engage in extreme violence and still live in the fifth century. Along comes the United States, which says, "We are going to LIBERATE you and bring you DEMOCRACY." It only takes one fast armored division to capture their country, and the next thing you know President Bush is landing on an aircraft carrier and giving what seems like a VICTORY speech. Now, seven years later the Iraqis are still slaughtering one another with a vengeance and we Americans just seem to accept the fact that our invasion troops will be there forever. And even though we killed the Iraqi strongman, another one has just popped up in neighboring Iran. Getting rid of the bad guys is like playing whack-a-mole — others just keep appearing. So, did Mother America really think out the Iraq invasion? Was it really a rational move? Nope. Rather, it is one of our dying nation's greatest disasters.
So ....
If people in my immediate little world are not acting rationally, then I see little hope for the greater whole. Or, maybe I'm the one who is irrational. Maybe it's okay to be an alcoholic, engage in risky driving behavior, or deal with health issues by ignoring them. Maybe it's JUST ME who is crazy. Maybe it's okay to think that the Jews and Muslims are going to hell, just because they don't accept the "correct" religion, you know, the one you just happened to be born in. Maybe I'm IRRATIONAL for questioning that.
Overall, I think this world is completely, totally insane. From the smokers to the obese, to the corrupt politicians and the buffoon oil executives, and from the murdering religious fanatics to the holy ones who condemn everyone else, I now realize that there was no need to build Disneyland because we all live in a giant Disneyland. We are existing in a world of fantasy and illusion, where rationality only exists in the minds of the lunatics, and insanity is the friend of the preachers, poets, and politicians, who ramble on, despite whatever rational argument is presented to them.
It is all crazy, totally crazy.
Well historically as a race we have proven to be irrational - these times are not unique in that. The disturbing thing is that now there are so many of us we can actually destroy our home (make the earth unfit for human life) and thus ourselves. I don't think anyone including myself is entirely rational, but at least some of us try and connect the dots based upon reason.
Thanks, David. People who are irrational have no idea that they are irrational -- they typically just perform the script that their culture gave them. Or maybe I am irrational and everyone else is rational, and I just don't realize it. Who is to say.
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