I am traveling in the spaceship in life and am now getting closer to my final destination, which is a jar of ashes.
My observation lately is just how stupid people are. Take, for instance, Tony Hayward, the CEO of BP. I have seen video clips of him saying several pathetically stupid things about the Gulf oil disaster. These corporate robber barons control the world and their lobbyists are forcing us to drink the fossil fuel Kool-aide as long as possible, but when you take the lid off their hive, you find out what idiots they are.
The Tea Party movement continues to intrigue me. It's about angry white people who want things the way they were. The narrowness and hypocrisy of their movement astounds me. For instance, they want "smaller government," which means less services for the poor, but they completely turn their backs on the out-of-control military-industrial complex that is wasting TRILLIONS of dollar of our money. We are spending a fortune to hunt down rabid desert savages, and frankly, we are making more enemies faster than we can kill them, so it AIN'T WORKING.
I appreciate the idealism of the Teabaggers, but treating the U.S. Constitution like it's a holy document is nonsense. It was written by rich, white slaveholders, and it's all about preserving self interest. Ooops, now I see the parallel.
I've been on Facebook since July and find it an interesting social project. I'm now up to 128 "friends" from all areas of life. What I find on Facebook mirrors real life — most people are shallow and trite, and incapable of deep, analytical reasoning. If America is Facebook, then America is doomed. I'm not sure where the social media "revolution" is going to lead us, but it will probably be down the toilet.
Gulf Oil Disaster
Yeah, getting back to the big oil slick. I'm thrilled to have met a couple Teabaggers who are actually concerned about the Gulf oil mess — that gives me a little hope. My observation is that it's the conservative religious people who seem the least concerned about this environmental disaster. Are the Christians really that far gone? Don't they care about anything other than playing their pious, self-righteous mind game? Do they really care about my rotting soul? I doubt it. This group of people have been more mind-fucked than anyone, and they keep the U.S. in a medieval mindset. Religion, in general, is the bane of the Earth because it takes away the individual's ability to think and to care. Religion is a vestige of our caveman heritage, and because it meets certain needs in the innate population, it lives on, continuing to spread its craziness and irrationality. I hate religion. And getting back to the topic, why don't Christians care about all the millions of animals that are dying from the oil disaster? It grieves me, yet I haven't seen any religionists yet who even care.
This ends my rant for today. I shall now reenter my civilization and embed myself into a population that simply lost its ability to think. It's a nut house out there. Can the handful of people who are sentient actually save civilization, and should they???
1 comment:
it's all true Goose... think of it as a frequency array, including your own consciousness. you can choose which frequency you vibrate at (the anger frequency is different - lower?- than the peace frequency, judgment is different - lower?- than acceptance etc;) the optimal strategy for maximal impact, get your own frequency in the peace, justice, caring column. How? become the observer, slip out of mindstream.
tom ferguson
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