Monday, June 28, 2010

Adventures of Recycle Boy

This video was mainly a learning experience. I'd like to start making environmental videos regularly.

Not much to say here, other than that I spend a lot of time recycling everything I can. I often wonder if I'm making a difference when so few people actually recycle and so few people even care. Whether or not it's a "guilt reliever" is beside the point, since myself and others who recycle are doing good.

Recycling is also a great intro for getting people interested in environmentalism. And yes, it does make you feel good, and I make no apologies for that.

-- Todd


Anonymous said...

I think it was the Union of Concerned Scientists who listed the top ten most effective things you can do for the environment. The top two were -
1. drive less
2. eat less meat

recycling (reduce, reuse, recycle) certainly has to be up there. Our culture is slow to adopt new ideas, not least because the media, owned by corporations,is still inculcating us to see ourselves as consumers. tom ferguson

Todd the Toad said...

Yes, I absolutely agree - I work from home and try to minimize meat intake. I do eat chicken and fish on occasion, and red meat once a week.