Some violence will probably always be inherent in our society simply because a few human brains have faulty wiring. I just saw a grim example of that this past week in my community when a jilted boyfriend killed his ex-girlfriend's son and then himself — murder-suicide. The young boy happened to be co-captain of our high school football team and had a full scholarship to Vanderbilt University. Tragic.
Of our country's sick obsession with guns, which is best exemplified by the Teabaggers, makes violence by aberrant humans easy. Yes, talking about GUNS as part of the problem is almost taboo in the U.S. We don't talk about how easy it is for a sicko to blow away 20+ people at a university with GUNS, we only talk everything else. Almost always, the solution to GUNS is MORE GUNS, much to the delight of the gun manufacturers.
I did read an article today that said overall murders are down in the U.S., but domestic murders are showing a frightening spike. It's like people are stressed out now because of the recession, etc.. and appear more likely to snap and kill their loved ones, usually with GUNS.
Ode to the Teabaggers
Oh you pour little Teabaggers. You think those evil socialists are going to come take away your guns and raise your taxes. And you don't want to pay more taxes because you think the money will just go to "those people," yeah, those people of color that you feel are getting a free ride. Oh Teabaggers, if Sarah Palin is your leader, well, I'm not too impressed with your movement. You are angry, but very hypocritically angry. You vent your anger on mainly one political party, even though it was the OTHER party that started this mess. You selectively hear and believe what you want to ... oh, that's probably because you're religious and your brain has already been conditioned for that.
Oh ye Teabaggers, elect all those Republican pawns who are bought and paid for by corporate special interests. You Teabaggers are the brownshirts of the GOP — always willing to serve, and never willing to think. You are angry! Let that anger flow! Forget about crossing lines, reaching out, and doing all that silly Christian stuff like loving your enemies. No, it's more fun to follow the Holy Bible selectively, so it's just more exciting to bash gays, liberals, illegal immigrants, and all those other groups on your lengthy hate list. Let it out, Teabaggers. Let your reactionary, right wing anger FLOW.
Ode to the Scientologists
You guys are absolutely, totally nuts. Don't try to hide your insanity with good deeds. Your little minds have been rewired and you are now pawns of a bizarre cult that seems mainly interested in self-perpetuation. Oh ye weak brained, how did you let yourselves fall into that? You guys are almost as dumb as tobacco smokers (not saying that pot smokers are smart, but maybe they are).
The Solution
Let's crossbreed all those Teabaggers with Scientologists. The Teabagger children won't be angry anymore. The Scientologists won't be such space cadets. And this is all really, really funny. The point being is that on the fringes there will always be nutty people and mis-wired brains. That is part of life and must be accepted. The aberrations are simply evolution at work, and sometimes they will produce a benefit, but usually they will create a disaster. But the bulk of us in the pack, the semi-rational mainstream folks, well, we have to keep moving forward and progressing as a society. I, the Goose, can't end the violence, but maybe we CAN greatly reduce it by getting people to think rationally, opening up sacred subjects, and getting rid of a lot of these STUPID, HORRIBLE GUNS. There, I said it. Yikes.
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