Morality evolved out of the need for cooperation for mutual survival. Or, morality evolved from the need to get a youngster to reproductive age. Pretty cut and dry.
The Big Three religions say that morality comes from a divine being. In Christianity, for instance, people tell me that morals come from the Bible. While the Bible has influence on our modern morals, the fact is that Christians "pick and choose" the morals they want to follow. The Bible says to put adulterers to death and condones slavery. These are "morals" that are not followed in modern society. Christians say that abortion is "immoral" but there is nothing in the Bible that forbids abortion.
I would say that "morals" are an agreed-upon code that keep society's fabric intact. Many of our morals are made into laws, while others are enforced by public opinion. For instance, it's not illegal to cheat on your wife, but breaking trust with your mate is seen as a character flaw, and if you commit this act others will make you feel like a rotten person. I do not think males, by nature, are monogamous animals, yet we must override our urges to gain society's respect. To give into our urges is a sign of weakness.
The problem with Christian morals is that God supposedly put them on paper thousands of years ago and they cannot change or adapt as human society evolves. For instance, the Bible and Koran both take a dim view of women, after all both books were written by chauvinistic men. But in the most modern societies woman are treated as equals, or at least they should be. Thus, there are two conflicting value systems. However, the Bible, for instance, DOES adapt to modern morals. To MAKE the Bible adapt, Christians just cherry pick different scriptures or re-interpret scriptures. SUDDENLY IT IS BAD TO OWN SLAVES AND TREAT WOMEN LIKE LIVESTOCK. Surprise!
Speaking of this, throughout both the Old and New Testaments it is evident that the God of the Holy Bible is definitely anti-gay, and He is also very anti-woman. In the New Testament it is made clear that a woman must be subjugated and she should remain submissive and quiet in church. Now just how convenient is that, you clever male authors

In summary, the moral of this story is that humans decide for themselves what their moral code will be, based on where they are with their social evolution. For instance, I have heard the argument many times, "If we allow gays to marry, then the next thing will be bestiality." Naw, I don't think that's coming any time soon. Even liberals are grossed out at the idea of having sex with animals. And, because of our growing respect for animal rights, well, I don't think anyone is going to go for it. But in regards to gay marriage, you have two humans who love each other so much that they want to make a public commitment saying "we want to be together for life." I think that is a very beautiful statement and a good thing. So, yeah, I strongly support gay marriage and I think probably around half of my fellow citizens are with me on this. So, again, our morals are evolving.
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