Friday, March 27, 2009

Southern Fried Cruelty

Go chickens, escape!!! (I'm rooting for the chickens)

As the world's population continues to explode, one of the many losers in this madness are domestic farm animals. In the old days, animals lived on family farms and had a decent quality of life, until their turn came to become protein for a family.

Now, today, we've vastly increased our population, with 300 million in the United States alone. There is no way we could even have space to allow all the animals we need to feed us, to roam freely. Rather, we have resorted to massive factory farms. If you are an animal, life in these farms is not fun, and in fact, it's brutal.

Now, what an irony. Let's think about the Holocaust, the Soviet Gulags, the Cambodian Killing Fields, the Armenian Genocide, and the many other examples of when humans slaughtered each other in the most horrible circumstances. And now we are doing the very same thing to our farm animals??? These are the animals that give us protein and life. We should show our appreciation and love for these animals by giving them a quality life why they are here. But we don't. Rather, we buy chicken at fast food joints and support a nasty and inhumane industry.


Now, this post is not a plug for vegetarianism or veganism. All I'm asking is that we all greatly reduce our meat intake. By doing so, we can downsize industrial agriculture, and perhaps give some farm animals a better life. And when we do purchase meat, it should only be "free range." Now, there is controversy about just how much more humane "free-range" farming is, but it DEFINITELY makes life a little better for the animals.

When you think about it, it is really sick how we are exploding our human population by mass producing animal flesh, and treating those animals like concentration camp prisoners. It seems like the Christians would lead the charge into ending factory farming, but their voices are silent. Folks like PETA are perceived as radicals and simply ignored. So, WHO IS STANDING UP THE FREAKING CHICKENS???????

I admit that I enjoy eating out, and I often have to since I'm regularly on the run. Here are some non-meat options that I enjoy:
  • Garden burger sub sandwich.
  • BK Veggie burger at Burger King.
  • Black Bean Burger at Chilis.
  • Spinach or refried bean burritos at your favorite Mexican restaurant.
  • Veggies and rice at your favorite Chinese place.
Also, I would suggest eating more fish, provided it's not contiminated with mercury. And get it while you can, before the oceans are fished out. The fish usually have a pretty good life until the net gets them.

Now, I have great respect for vegetarians and vegans — keep doing what you are doing. This message is directed to all you voracious American meat-eaters. You DON'T have to eat meat at every meal or every day. Just make meat the exception, and try other options and substitutes. Let's just try to downsize the nasty meat industry.

Of course, as I always point out, none of this will work unless we stabilize human population. So, as I often say, "Stop at Two."

It would really be a dream to see the old family farms popping up again.

The Goose

1 comment:

Kayleigh Re said...

I was vegan for three years and vegetarian for six.
I feel you on this one. It's a little ridiculous how high our animal protein intake is compared to vegetables, fruits, and legume proteins.

As far as your comment goes, if person three was not happily married and expecting his son, I would agree with you ;) Haha