Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Pope and a Coke

Okay, I had to read it twice. The Pope is touring Africa this week and aboard his Pope Plane he says that condoms are not the answer to the AIDS epidemic in Africa, and can make the problem worse. WHAT???

So, the Pope wants to condemn the entire African continent to this horrible disease called AIDS. My uncle died of AIDS, and I can assure everyone that the last days of an AIDS victim are horrible beyond belief.

This comes from a fellow activist friend of mine:
You know what stuns me about this article is that the Pope said that the Catholic Church is the largest provider of HIV health care. If he would drop the prohibition against condoms and allowed the use of a HIV killing spermicide, HIV cases would drop dramatically. His stance on this makes no sense! I work as a hospice nurse and I can tell you that patients with terminal HIV suffer horribly. He could do a great deal more to enhance the Church’s “compassion.”
And not to mention Africa's exploding population, which is condemning millions to abject poverty. So, what the Pope suggests is a "responsible and moral attitude toward sex" to fight the disease. Yeah that's nice, but what happens to the people who do not comply with the Catholic church's sense of hyper-morality? Oh yeah, they get punished. They had it coming to them, just like those poor alter boys.

Then, later this week ....

After reading about the executives from AIG, I've realized that business executives are so locked in their little worlds that they have no idea how stupid they sound when they talk to the press. Enter Coke Chairman Neville Isdell. In trying to boost their environmental image, he wants to make more clean water available to the world. You mean Coke's going green? Hell no, he's just looking out for his own self interest.

To summarize, Isdell is part of a group that wants President Obama to appoint a water czar and spend $1 billion a year to finance new clean water projects and programs.

Hello? The problem is an exploding world population. That's probably a good thing for Isdell — it means more Coke drinkers. And, yes, Coca-Cola Co. uses a LOT of water in their beverage businesses. So, I doubt they really care about human suffering — they just want a market.

Here are some chilling facts provided by the World Health Organization:

Nearly 885 million people around the Planet do not have access to safe drinking water today, and 2.5 billon don't have access to water for basic sanitation.

And rather than addressing our serious global population problem, corporations have created yet another "think tank" that is trying to tell us that the answer is JUST SPEND MORE MONEY TO MAKE MORE CLEAN WATER for the billions of ever multiplying people.

How about, instead, we work to stabilize world population, so that communities will not outgrow their local water supplies? Naw, the corporations wouldn't like that. They believe that population can grow infinately. And they want to sell those infinite billions COKE PRODUCTS.

Give me a break.

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