In the New Society that rises from the ashes, I hope that people will slow down, become more loving and caring, and gain their value in life through the sheer joy of existence, instead of material junk. I hope that people will learn to listen to one another and help one another.
I sincerely hope that in the New Society common sense will take the place of politics, and that rationalism will replace religion. I'm sick and tired of the political bickering that's all around me. We arrange the deck chairs while the great ship sinks. As for religion, it has outlived its usefulness. Christianity, for example, was supposed to unite people under the holy banner of Jesus Christ, yet there are 38,000 Christian denominations around the world, so something has gone terribly wrong. All religion really does is create one more barrier that divides people and causes conflict.
In regards to politics, we need to stop arguing and start working together as a team. Listen to your opponents. If your opposition makes a good case, accept it, and don't be a slave to your political party. If your opponents are worthy of respect, then respect them. Always remain civil. When I read the comments on the various online forums, I see that civil discourse has gone down the toilet. Hiding behind the protective veil of the Internet, people show themselves to be really disgusting with their sick and evil comments. Honestly, I often wonder if humanity is worth saving.
Get to know your neighbors and all the people around you. Participate in community events. Become a giver and not a taker. Help others unconditionally — don't do it to earn brownie points upstairs, but rather do it because it's the RIGHT thing to do.
Do not take up arms against your human brothers and sisters — your real enemies are the old men in the capitals who ordered you to march. Love one another.
Anyway, the video below is powerful, and provides tips for how to live and survive after the collapse of Mother America. Enjoy.
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