Sunday, December 21, 2008

Zeitgeist: Addendum

I am a huge fan of the Zeitgeist movies, and finally got around to watching the second one last weekend, titled "Zeitgeist: Addendum."

I must say that I'm becoming a huge fan of producer Peter Joseph, and I believe the premise of his movie is right on the money. In fact, MONEY is exactly what this two-hour movie is all about. Zeitgeist: Addendum primarily focuses on the corrupt Federal Reserve Bank and the International Monetary Fund. While the monetary system remains a central theme throughout the movie, Joseph does take some side ventures to take swings at his favorite targets — religion, government, and corporations. His underlying point is that these institutions are CORRUPT!

Unlike the last movie, this time Joseph focuses on positive solutions and he devotes a lot of footage to an organization called "The Venus Project." Admittedly, The Venus Project is a little way out there. These folks want to get rid of money and just provide for everyone's needs using technology. My first impression is that they are just replacing one god with another god, but then I started thinking — maybe we are underestimating the good that technology can do for us. Of course, we've sure as hell seen the bad.

My overall take on the movie is that Joseph is dead on with his assessments of the Big Three — corporations, religion, and corporations. Indeed, I agree that our institutions are corrupt to the core and attempt to control and enslave us in many ways. I think the greatest benefit that the Zeitgeist movies provide is that they will hopefully encourage people to QUESTION their institutions and challenge the status quo.

In both movies Joseph does a superb of putting extremely complex topics into very simple and easy-to-understand terms. I strongly recommend that EVERYONE in the world watch this movie. I think the discussions it spawns will help pave the way for change.

Enjoy the movie!

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