Monday, December 22, 2008


My friend says the ideal form of government would be an enlightened dictatorship. Nosiree, I don't buy into that because who is going to define the term "enlightened?" Wasn't Hitler and Stalin supposed to be enlightened? At first, maybe? And wasn't that dictator in Tanzania supposed to be enlightened, and now he's sorta mad?

I digress ...

The point being is that democracy is a beautiful thing, and it we can't have a democratic planet, then maybe the human species should just call it quits. For democracy means freedom, and this is a great gift that most people don't have. Around the world, people are shackled by their religions, governments, employers, and cultural traditions. So what's the point? I say shed all that and be free!

In Iran they overthrew the Shah and created a religious state — they just swapped one form of control for another. Come one, the great Persian Empire has a long and great history — is all that CONTROL necessary?

The more free we are, the more human we are. When we are free, we can be happy, inspired, and carefree. We can can explore every dimension of this life, and we can form our own opinions.

Even if democracy stays in a gridlock and moves at a tortise pace, well, again, democracy means FREEDOM, and that is a precious, sacred gift. In the course of history, most people have NOT been free, so we should really be thankful for this RIGHT.

Now, in addition to promoting global democracy, I support free movement and total free trade. Yes, that means I support OPEN BORDERS and have zero interest in immigration restrictions. "But, Goose, won't the United States fill up with people?" Maybe it will, but anyone should have the right to live anywhere they want. The real issue is about the total numbers of people, not their movement. Eventually, as people move around economic homeostatis will be achieved. Maybe all the world's poor people will come here and make us poor too. Maybe that's only fair. All people are equal and nation's that attempt to fortify their borders are only, well, buying time.

I also support total, unrestricted trade. The free trade would actually raise the global standard of living, prompting more people to stay put in their towns and villages. Or, will it?

In the natural world, as well as the free enterprise system, there is a trend towards simplification. In econonimics, this achieved as companies merge, absorb other companies, and grow into massive worldwide congolomerates. For the consumer, this is a good thing because the improved efficiency mean lower prices and usually better service. For the small farmer or shop, global simplification means disaster because the small producer cannot compete with the giants. This phenonomen forces the villagers and small town people into the large cities where the large manufacturing plants are. There, they work long hours with typically poor pay and conditions. Life would have been so much better out in the country, and on the family farm. But now, around the world, MORE PEOPLE LIVE IN CITIES THAN IN RURAL AREAS.

For the environment, this is a win because humans are concentrating, and thus rural habitat is allowed to recover and thrive. Small farms become forests again, well at least until some massive factory farm takes it over.

So, there is a lot to balance here but I do believe that even though freedom may take us down some scary paths, ultimately it is a win for humanity.

In conclusion, I must say that with freedom comes responsibility. We all have the responsibility to not hurt one another and the Planet we live on. Yeah, that's the whole point of my blog. If we can't handle the responsibility that goes with freedom, then maybe we deserve to be herded like goats and kept under the grip of some theocratic, corporatist, fascist state. Yet to understand and to have the moral compass that freedom requires, then we must have an educated and enlighened populace. So, we must educate our children, and we must provide an open educational environment where they can debate and play with new ideas — you know, like an incabator.

Let freedom ring, for without it, I believe that life is quite meaningless. I am thankful to live in a nation that values freedom, although I don't buy into the myth that people have to die for it — usually not. For freedom comes from the heart, and not from the muzzle of a cannon.

Okay, enough.

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