A close friend of mine (stop laughing, I do have friends, well, maybe a couple) sent me a book review on a new titled called: "While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West From Within" by Bruce Bawer.
The review, written by an Andre Zantonavitch was posted on the Amazon website. Andre uses a lot of fear to make you think that Muslims are in a systematic campaign to take over Europe by 2030.
An excerpt:
"While Europe Slept argues that while Europe is currently only about ten percent Islamic—vs. two percent for America—if present trends continue it will only take a generation or two for Muslims to become the majority. The once-noble Continent will become what intellectual fellow-traveler Bat Ye’or in 2005 called 'Eurabia.' The shocking claim by Bruce Bawer is that well before 2050, most of Europe is likely to become an outpost of Islamdom governed by Sharia. Europe will be alien to Western culture and an enemy of Western Civilization."
Rather than being an organized campaign, I feel this problem is just another side-effect of treating women like crap. This is one of the Goose Pillars of Sustainability — that every female on the Planet must be treated 100% equal to a male. There are no exceptions to this rule and it is nonnegotiable. When women are provided equality, opportunity, and respect, fertility rates are no longer a problem. This is the one commonality around the world. Religion and culture can NEVER be used as an excuse for treating women like subhumans. Believe me, there are REASONS that men use religion and culture to control women. The reasons go back thousands of years, and are no longer valid now. It was, I suppose, once a matter of survival for women to be strictly subjugated to their reproductive roles. Today, with our global population exploding, it's time to hang up all the cheesy control crap.
Even in America, many evangelical religions attemptsubtlytley control women by saying, "You cannot hold a senior leadership position in the church." That's one of the big reasons I stopped attending my current church. I do not accept this stuff about, "Well, someone HAS to be in charge, and this is the way it was set up by God." NO, this is the way it was set up by men. It's all about power and CONTROL.
Anyway, getting back to the Muslim women in Europe who are having the huge families: I believe that the tools for adjusting our human population are already built into us. When women are subjugated and treated like property, yes, they tend to have large families. When women are respected and given the option of education and a career, a society has an excellent chance of becoming healthy, sustainable, and vibrant.
Someone once asked me if I took this position because I have daughters. Even if I had sons, I would feel the same way. In fact, I have felt this way since age 13 when the Equal Rights Amendment debate was raging in the U.S. I remember sitting in class one day looking at the girl behind me, and the girls around me, and thinking, "There is not one single reason why a girl should be treated any less than a boy." Well, it didn't result in more dates, but the idea has festered in my head all my life. As I began to research the issue during my late 30s, I realized that COMPLETE EQUALITY FOR WOMEN IS AN ESSENTIAL COMPONENT FOR LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY AND HARMONY ON THIS PLANET.
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