It's holy, damnit. Don't touch it.
So, Life Is Like ....
Life is like an onion. I have enjoyed peeling away at the different layers and reporting my discoveries in my blog. Each time you peel away one layer, you never know what to expect next: secret societies, conspiracies, evolution ... it's all here, man.
The rise of the Internet has really made it easy to peel the onion. Now, all you have to do is sit at your home computer and you are exposed to millions of ideas from people around the world. Surely, this will make the world better, because I believe that the more ideas you are exposed to, the more open-minded you eventually become, well, at least for some people.
Sometimes when I peel the onion, the things that I find please me; other times they shock me. In addition to surfing the web, I read newspapers, books, watch educational TV, and listen to National Public Radio (NPR). Of course, NPR and Public TV are my brain food, and a great source of mental substance for our nation, so it's no surprise that some conservatives are wanting to cut funding. It is in the best interest of the Establishment to keep America dumb, and a great job they are doing.

Maybe I will get to the core of the onion and obtain the answers to life's mysteries in my lifetime. Maybe I won't. All I know is that it's been fun trying.
They Shall Smite You
It has come to my attention that there are various interest groups that do NOT WANT you to peel the onion. They don't WANT you to find the answers, because they know that what you find will challenge the religious-government-corporate establishment. Worse yet, they don't want you to discover their dark secrets, which may make you think differently about them. Hell, they don't even WANT YOU TO THINK!
To the five or six of you who might read this blog, I encourage you, I challenge you to PEEL. PEEL, baby, PEEL! Don't be afraid of what you might find. Just keep peeling until you get the answers.

THE YELLOW CANARY SPEAKETH: Gosh, I mean, who am I: just one homely, pathetic human trying to make it in this world. I just have to remind thee that the whole point of my posts and my blog is that we have to start THINKING DIFFERENTLY in order to survive. The path we is now heading on is "unsustainable." The problems I warn thee about may now seem far off and distant, but they is coming, and you ain't going to like it. But we have a chance to change our course now, but you just have to CHANGE, and, well, humans hate CHANGE. They like to think the same and behave the same, even if everything else changes, thus making their outdated thinking the means to their end.
Does any of this make sense? It don't make sense to me neither.
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