Monday, January 31, 2005

What is "Moral?"

That's the Beauty of Blogging....

I can write about nearly anything I want. It's like the ultimate freedom. On occasion, someone might even read my stuff, who knows.

On To Today's Lesson...

One of the big problems with our society is that it is difficult to define "moral." For instance, a good conservative Christian believes that gay marriage is immoral and, heck, they are repulsed by it. At the same time, I think that Christian politicians who cozy up with oil companies are immoral, and heck, it repulses me.

We humans appear to need a moral benchmark. One possibility that I considered is to say, "What would be pleasing to God?" But, whoa, wait a minute, in no time at all people would be murdering one another "in the name of God." Heck, this is already happening.

Another idea is to use the ancient religious writings as a moral compass. That's a good idea to a point, but then that gives people an excuse to discriminate against gays, women, other religions, scoffers, people who eat pork, Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims, orthodox, reformed, liberal ...OH MY GOSH ... there can be no end to this. Okay, this isn't a good idea!!!

So, what do we do?

How about a moral system based on common sense, logic, and the common good? Even this is sticky. Take abortion for example — some call it a women's right to choose and others call it murder. This is a debate that never ends. Whew.

Maybe we could elect a council to decide morals. Maybe we could vote on morals.

But there are a few accepted standards ... maybe ...

1) We should obey the law. I'm all for that because it brings order to society. But what if the law was made by corrupt individuals looking out for their own self interest? Sure, we can change the law. But what if the people who control the power block the democratic process? At what point should you practice civil disobedience?

2) We should NOT do things that offend others. That means no cussing, public drunkenness, or excessive displays of affection. But these days, just about EVERYTHING offends someone. Where do you draw the line?

3) We should do things that are RESPECTABLE. Again, isn't this a matter of personal opinion?

Maybe the problem with "moral" is that even the dictionary is vague:

mor·al adj*
1. relating to issues of right and wrong and to how individuals should behave
2. based on what somebody’s conscience suggests is right or wrong, rather than on what the law says should be done
3. regarded in terms of what is known to be right or just, as opposed to what is officially or outwardly declared to be right or just
4. giving guidance on how to behave decently and honorably
5. good or right, when judged by the standards of the average person or society at large
6. able to distinguish right from wrong and to make decisions based on that knowledge
7. based on an inner conviction, in the absence of physical proof

Hmmm, how are we EVER going to agree on what is moral? Is driving an SUV moral? Is supporting the drilling of ANWR moral? Is sending out e-mails that belittle Muslims or gays moral? I find all these things repulsive, yet the people who do these things consider themselves righteous and moral, and appear quick to judge me.

Is ignoring the environment and our future moral? Is it moral to neglect the poor and turn a church into a busy-body social organization?

By the standards of the Righteous Ones, I am a pathetic, disgusting, wretch. I suppose they are right, but I'd at least respect them if they admitted that they were wretches too.


I guess a moral should be twofold. It should be based on LOGIC and it should meet the STANDARDS of the majority. Even that isn't a good benchmark, but I suppose it's a start.

Who is moral? Please tell me.

*Microsoft Encarta Dictionary

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