It is 2005 - A New Year
Maybe we should just end it all now, or maybe we should continue the struggle.
I'm puzzled by these "White Flight" Republicans who have moved into their nice trophy houses in the outer counties around Atlanta. They scream how they don't like taxes and how they stand for "values." However, their values have nothing to do with Christianity — the value they push is the "American Way of Life." You know, it's the "all about me" syndrome. "Golly jeepers, I'm an entrepreneur and I don't believe the government should be taking MY MONEY," they say. What they really are saying is they don't want THEIR MONEY being taken and given to those poor black kids FAR AWAY in the inner city.
And if they really believed in "values" why did they flee the city and older suburbs to get away from people of color? If they are Christians, shouldn't they stay in these areas and help the poor people who need help the most? No! They drive their trophy SUVs, go to their trophy churches, live in their McMansions, and then they scream about "values." They have sold their soul to their credit cards and mortgage company and they provide their children with a shallow "video game" existence. VALUES? They get all pumped up about anti-gay amendments, yet most of them have never even MET a gay person. They scream that abortion is unconditional murder, but they have never looked into the eyes of a scared, pregnant 10-year-old girl who was raped by her drunken step-dad. VALUES? Thank God their SUVs are sucking up the oil more quickly. Once our oil-based economy crumbles, then these materialistic conservatives who make up George W. Bush's BASE will be humbled.
Speaking of Oil....
Seven years ago I realized that the Earth is in major trouble, and I decided to work on the most serious social and environmental issues — the human population explosion. But now, I think I might be able to take a break and play more tennis.
See, I am now starting to think that a world oil crises will do much more to slow population than any family planning program ever could. For one thing, it appears that humans are determined to reproduce to the limits of their food supply regardless of how much we are educated and regardless of the availability of contraceptives.
But our food production requires a lot of energy, and as gas goes up to $2.50 a gallon and above, everyone will feel the ripple effect. It won't affect the most primitive societies and it won't affect the very rich because they can afford alternative energy. But for the vast majority of us in the middle, the spike in oil prices will have a major, unpleasant effect on our lives. Maybe then, people will wisely begin to have smaller families and live more sustainably. Then, it will take the Earth a century or so to recover from all the burnt fuels we released into the atmosphere. So, maybe with the cheap oil all gone, humans will begin living a sustainable life sometime in the next 50-75 years.
Getting back to my original comment above, I mean VALUES? Everyone wants their freaking "DREAM HOME" and these are usually built on pastures and old farms in the bedroom communities of major cities. VALUES? You just HAVE to pay $40,000 for that SUV, with the video screen in the back, so your three kids will be occupied? You feel safe in an SUV? What about those unfortunate poor people who drive Ford Fiestas? You'd flatten them and not even know it. VALUES? Come on, I am bent over, laying on the floor, and laughing until my sides hurt. VALUES? My gosh! Your souls may be saved, but they sure are hollow — and shallow.
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