The world is beautiful and it is our reminder
that God is great. So, then, why do we
destroy it?
The War
I feel like I'm in a battle, in a trench, with mortar shells landing all around me. It's only a matter of time before I'm hit, but I still must go on. There are so many things in life that can suck the will to fight right out of you — health, finances, jobs, relationships — but still, I must focus my resources and continue my lifelong struggle to make the world a little better. I do know some fellow Canaries who have faced great hardships in their own lives, yet they still continue the Mission. When the flag bearer is shot, they just pick the flag off the ground and continue the charge up the hill. I thank these special individuals for giving me the example and inspiration to continue the fight.
The Takeover
I hear the stories about Newt Gingrich and how the Radical Right had been planning their takeover for years, but I think our nation's shift to extreme conservatism is far more than that. I think we are in the final days of the Roman Empire. I look around to see all the obese Americans and all the cigarette addicts, and then I look to see how the medical industry is gladly capitalizing on all the ill health and making billions off of our fatness and laziness. For the most part, I have found my fellow Americans to be listless blobs of nothingness with no sense of vision beyond their immediate gratification.
The Respect
Yet, yet, all it takes for me to respect you is to do one thing, ONE DAMN THING, that contributes to the greater good. Because if every human would just give a LITTLE of themselves to help the grander scheme of things, we could wipe out most of our problems. But Americans have become a selfish, inward looking lot. We talk about idealism, our President talks about idealism, but it is hollow and hypocritical.
The End
With a larger Republican majority in Congress, and with a President who feels he has a "mandate," I wait for the final onslaught. For example, plans for a new Energy Policy are already in the works. The PLAN is to provide more corporate welfare for the big oil companies. The PLAN is to reverse and eliminate dozens of environmental protection laws. The PLAN is to reverse worker rights. The PLAN is to downplay public health for the sake of greater public profit. There is little talk about conservation and clean, renewable energy incentives. Rather, there is a LOT of talk about raping the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
There is no idealism to the Radical Right agenda. It is not about principles or philosophy, or religion, or schools of thoughts. It is only about CORPORATE PROFIT and how all the aforementioned variables can be manipulated to generate MORE MONEY for the RICH, POWERFUL, and GREEDY! We have seen the Kenneth Lays of America. We have seen the spineless, moral-less, empty, excuse for humanity that America now produces.
We are the land of nobodies, nothingness, obesity, hypocritical corruption, and perverted principles. We are the Roman Empire in its last days. God bless America.
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