In the new world I envision there will be peace. Capitalism will live, but people will have a sense of working for the greater good.
Logic will prevail, and people will be rational. Religion will be put in its proper place, next to Santa Claus and Zeus.
There will be no borders, and people will move freely about the planet. Poverty will be eliminated because every nation will disband their military, and there will be more resources to assist all.
We will mature as a species, and learn tolerance and open-mindedness. We will learn to LISTEN to one another. We will learn sensitivity and compassion.
There won't be smokers, and people won't fling their cigarette butts and trash out their windows.
People will work together to keep our planet clean and green. We will respect the Earth and our fellow animal species.
We will learn to love one another, instead of being divisive. We will understand that we can accomplish more as a collective team rather than individually.
There will be one world government, but it will be run by the people instead of corporations and special interest groups. Each nation will become a state. The government will be a democracy, and people will understand that for democracy to work, we must each participate.
Government will serve the people, and not control them. Corporations will be a place where we work to earn a living, not living entities that manipulate global policy.
Are you dreaming, Goose?
Yeah, I'm dreaming, sure. But I see hopeful signs each day. I see real progress in ending the War Against Gays, and that's encouraging. I see more people and companies becoming environmentally aware.
But, on the downside, I see a new generation of young people who are apathetic and politically detached. Most of them just wander through life, obsessed with instant gratification and comfort, and totally confused as to why their quality of life isn't as good as their parents'. This is the Nothingness Generation, and I don't think they will be the ones to pull us through. Well, maybe the following generation will get us through.
And, most likely, we'll need a complete economic and civil crash before we wake up and learn that "it's not all about us." We need to learn that it's also about other humans and other creatures.
Maybe, just maybe, one day humans will "get it."
Wasn't it Jefferson who took a bible and cut out everything he disagreed with... leaving a tattered book... i bet you'd leave in the part where the lion will ly with the lamb. tom f
I'm afraid too many people are invested in the status quo or will be galvanized to action only as a result of an enormous catastrophe that personally effects them. Unfortunately by then it will be too late. Look on the bright side. So long as we do not sterilize the earth, the planet has a long future until the sun goes super nova. That will be plenty of time for a more wise "intelligent species" to arise. In its current form, mankind has evolved into a wicked malignant tumor that destroys its host as the population expands by 280,000 persons every 24 hours.
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