I sometimes wonder where I got all this idealism. I wonder why I always like to defend the underdog.
I support gays because the war against them is simply pointless. These good people have been put through hell and treated like second class citizens for no reason at all. The Holy Bible says adulterers should be stoned, but these little finks are the real rats because they betray the trust of their life mate, yet they hardly get a wrist slap. The hypocrisy of the War Against Gays just makes me sick. And don't tell me "hate the sin, love the person." That is simply a thin veil for hating the person. And hate is not a family value.
As for the illegal immigrants, I have ten times more respect for them than any Tea Partier. They came to this country, often at great risk and expense, to get a crappy job. Because, in the United States, at least they wouldn't starve. Many were lured by that American Dream, where, you know, anyone can get rich if they work hard and get lucky. And the corporations welcomed them on because they worked cheap, and you didn't have to pay them health care or vacations. And all the while, the government just went "wink, wink." And then, suddenly, the Tea Party Patriots say ENOUGH! DEPORT THEM! THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW! Too sad.
Most importantly of all, I stand up for nature and wildlife because animals can't defend themselves hardly at all. We have a vice presidential candidate gunning down wolves from a helicopter. Now, how fair a fight is that? We also have millions of Americans who love to pack out restaurants on Sundays after church, but don't really care about the thousands of species that are going extinct every day. Someone has to defend these poor critters. And yes, I know I'm in the minority when I say this, but a opossum has just as much right to be here as some chain smoking, hard drinking, littering, obnoxious human. Just because we have big brains we are ruthlessly arrogant, and for the most part, we are indifferent to our fellow animals.
I know my idealism is vain, but my blood boils when Tea Party creeps scream, "We have to save our country," when, in effect, these right-wing reactionaries are what we need to save the country from. I'll take socialism over fascism any day. And as these folks scream "less government" and throw me in jail for masturbation, all I can say is ORWELLIAN.
By now, cynicism should have smothered out my last fiber of idealism, but I can't stop caring, and I won't stop fighting.
1 comment:
another angle on the immigrant thing goose is that big agriculture in the U.S. backed NAFTA, GATT etc;so-called trade agreements, which ran Mexican farmers out of business. So they head for the cities... no jobs besides sweat shops or drug smuggling. So I ask the tea baggers, what would you do in that situation? Their scornful answer is bound to reflect an empathy gene deficiency. tom ferguson
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