The misinformation I hear about evolution is immense. I hear both educated liberals and de-educated creationists say things that shows that few people understand some of the basic concepts of evolution.
Allow me to clarify a few things:
- We DID come from apes. I'm not sure why people are offended by that, just because gorillas like to throw their poop around at zoos.
- We DID NOT come from dinosaurs — we split off from them 256 million years ago.
- I like to think that our earliest ancestors are the shrews, which started showing up about 220 million years ago. But, in reality, evolution is a continuum. Our earliest ancestors are, in fact, the eukaryotes, complex cells that first appeared 2.1 billion years ago. As mentioned before, it was a living hell getting those first cells to evolve, but once that happened the rest of evolution was easy.
- It was at 10,000 years ago when humans, as we know them today, began to emerge. It was around this time when we invented agriculture, started getting light skin, and began adopting cats as pets.

Anti-Enviro Shrews
The reason that evolution is so important is that the better we can understand our evolutionary history, the better we can understand our current human behavior. We are products of our flatworm brains.
When I see my brothers and sisters in the environmental movement hit a brick wall, I have to ask, "Why have they hit that brick wall?" What is it in our evolution that makes us so willing to horde resources and become obsessed with our immediate comfort, at the expense of our environment and children's future? Something apparently has gone very wrong in the evolution of our species.
One of the best ways to learn more about the facts of evolution and the myths of creationism is to follow the YouTube channel of AronRa, who is mostly a self-taught evolutionist. He does a great job of putting complex biological information into plain English.
1 comment:
I met a very bright, computer literate witty guy who told me that his only non-A in college was in a biology class where he proudly denounced the notion that he had evolved from an ape! and refused to study the material for that part of the course. we sometimes seize on some irrational stance, theory etc; as just an elaboration of the ego's need to be right, to feel superior... most human folly i think can be traced to this dysfunction. tom ferguson
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