Okay, everyone just relax and take a step back....
First of all, I love our government and believe it's brilliantly designed. There is nothing WRONG with our constitution and political system, but what IS wrong are some court decisions and laws that have been made since our government was created.
The biggest thing that has destroyed our democracy is giving "personhood" status to corporations. Then, defining corporate campaign contributions as "an expression of free speech" was a really sorry decision. See, President Bush packed the Supreme Court with conservative revisionists who are opening the door further for Big Business. This is our number one problem with government.
Gerrymandering ....
The SECOND biggest problem that has ruined our democracy is gerrymandering. This is where the ruling party draws election districts in a way that most benefits them and least benefits the minority party. Typically, this is done by "packing" the other party's voters into a

The beauty of democracy ....
The beauty of a democracy is that we debate, vote, and set public policies. This is a wonderful thing. One of the classic debates is how much to take from the rich to give to the poor. This is simply a public decision and people get way too emotional about this. Let's just all engage in reasonable debate.
Participation ....
I've worked in seven political campaigns, for both Democrats and Republicans. One thing I've learned is that if you are positive and supportive of your elected leaders, it has a much better result. I've attended various town hall meetings and forums where citizens simply get up and whine and bitch. This is not the answer because the problems of your elected leaders are YOUR problems, and we need to all work as a team to solve them.
Absolutely awesome ....
Democracy is incredibly wonderful because it allows you to ultimately be free. Sure, you are bound by the laws of your land, but you always have a pathway to change them. You are not under the yoke of a dictator or junta that makes the laws for you. You are part of a collective body that rules themselves, rather than someone ruling you. This is very, very beautiful.
Vote in every election, become a positive player in politics, and don't become hateful and cynical toward your opponents. If you disagree with a politician, write letters, make phone calls, and organize to topple him or her in the next election. This is all part of a healthy, functional democracy.
THE WORST ENEMY OF DEMOCRACY IS APATHY ... because then the nasty special interests creep in like parasites and they influence government to benefit them and NOT the general public. But the good news, which I've seen several times, is this: The power of an engaged public is always stronger than special interest dollars.
MOST IMPORTANTLY ... be thankful every day that you live in a democracy. Participate, be active, and be positive!
A must read:
1 comment:
My dad always used to say:
Democracy is the worst system of government in the world....
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