Friday, May 22, 2009

Repent Ye Purveyors of Irrationality

You're going to hell for not paying that parking fine, you little fart.

Everyone creates their own reality anyway, so what is real doesn't really matter. So you can believe in bronze age myths all you want, but that does NOT change reality in any way, but you can go along believing the crap until your grave.

We have billions of people just believing what they want to believe, or what they THINK their reality is, and the fact is that THEIR reality has nothing to do with what is.

This is one of the great shortcomings of the human animal. Though it has senses and sense to evaluate the environment around it, the human being would prefer to deny, rationalize, and turn their reality into a lie, and their lies into reality.

Look, oh ye human, at the mess you've created of Planet Earth. Where is your guilt? Instead of changing your ways for the benefit of the world, you follow whatever is easiest, most convenient, and most COMFORTABLE.

We are small pack animals living in this massive, interconnected society, yet we are clueless that we are destroying the very home that sustains us and keeps us alive.

So many people are totally disconnected from nature. A lot of young people don't even know where their tap water comes from. They are just brought into this plastic existence, they accept every lie that's shoved down their throat, and then they die, having lived their entire lives in la la land.

My hope is that the human race will mature and will grow beyond the myths, lies, and violence. If we are to survive as a species, it is critical that we mature QUICKLY, and eradicate our society of the cancerous lies, disguised in cute packages like "patriotism" and "religion," and move forward as a community of living beings.

Those holding on to and perpetuating the lies, such as the TV evangelists, defend the golden coins thrown in their plates by distorting science, making straw man arguments, and launching ad hominem attacks at the messenger.

Well, here is a message to all the purveyors of lies: You can mindfuck your flocks for only so long. Sooner or later the young will begin to question, and people will begin breaking free from your web of lies. One day you will be EXPOSED for perpetuating ancient Egyptian mythology, and it is YOU who shall be judged for turning perfectly normal and intelligent people into irrational lunatics, for the sole purpose of growing your financial empire.

The Goose

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