Considering that voter turnout was in the teens in the last election, it's obvious that few people care about democracy. Many people I've met simply don't care about the environment because it's an INCONVENIENCE to them. They don't WANT to pay more for recycled paper. They don't WANT to raise the air condition thermostat, even if it means burning less coal.
My wife and others in my life have little interest in my concerns. When I go on a rant about how people simply don't CARE she tells me to get off my soapbox. No one wants to hear my concerns for this world — I just need to shut-up and accept things the way they are, like everyone else. We must SHUT-UP so the robber barons can continue to rob us blind, so that our corrupt government can continue to cater to big industry, so that the rich can continue to fine tune their labor and environmental exploitation machine, called the U.S. government.
For the last two days I've really been thinking about Sophie Scholl, who was beheaded in 1943 by the Nazis for leading a student resistance group called the White Rose. She was enjoying a decent life as a university student, and she could have just kept quiet and continued on with her life. BUT SHE DIDN'T — she risked her life and eventually lost her head for standing up to an evil regime.
The utterly profound and sad thing is that she went to her execution sincerely believing that her martyrdom would cause an uprising among German students and the community. But it didn't. The vast majority of Germans did not oppose the incredible insanity going on around them. They did NOTHING — they just let the evil happen.
Prior to their deaths, several members of the White Rose believed that their execution would stir university students and other anti-war citizens into a rallying activism against Hitler and the war. Accounts suggest, however, that university students continued their studies as usual, citizens mentioned nothing, many regarding the movement as anti-national. Their actions were mostly dismissed...
What is the moral of this story? A young girl stands up against the Nazis and is executed by the Gestapo. The young girl cared. The girl spoke out. The young girl had courage. Where is our caring today? Where is our courage? I don't really know.
1 comment:
Dear Friends,
Is there no end to bold-faced arrogance and unbridled avarice of thousands of greedy little kings of wealth concentration, their bought-and-paid-for politicians, their many minions in the mass media?
Somehow the human family has got to find more effective ways of communicating about global threats to environmental health and impending dangers to human wellbeing that are being perpetrated before our eyes by the self-proclaimed “Masters of the Universe” among us. Good people with ‘feet of clay’ are not saying loudly, clearly and often enough what they know to be true….not speaking truth to power.
Politicians are posing for the public and pandering to those with great wealth; investment brokers are devising pyramid schemes, skimming millions for themselves and “breaking” the central banking system of the human community; and the mass media is turning a blind eye to the entire mess.
Such woefully inadequate examples of leadership by many too many “Masters of the Universe” need to be named, shamed and replaced.
The family of humanity could soon, very soon, be confronted with an economic and/or ecological wreckage of an unimaginable kind; but, because good people are not reasonably and sensibly communicating with one another about the outrageous behavior of the rich and powerful, the chances for taking the measure of certain ominously looming global challenges and finding adequate solutions to them are diminishing day by day.
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