Friday, August 22, 2008

Rep. Chris Smith - The Egg Saving Zealot

I have one of the most difficult jobs in the environmental movement — working on the population issue. Domestically, I work on five issues:
  • Comprehensive sex ed instead of abstinence only programs.
  • Contraceptive insurance coverage for women.
  • Universal access to emergency contraception.
  • Title X - Low-income access to family planning services.
  • Male Responsibility - An almost forgotten issue these days.
Yes, I am pro-choice, but I would much rather see abortions eliminated through better prevention (i.e. the items above). However, the conservative Christian community obviously loves abortions because they do all they can to oppose the items listed above.

Leading these righteous religious folks is Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ). Every year when we push for adequate funding of both domestic and international family planning programs, Rep. Smith vigorously fights against us. He is a man with a mission. If you are a woman, Rep. Smith not only wants to throw you in jail for having an abortion, he wants you arrested for even using birth control!

The United States, as well as most of the world, is exploding in population. We are already seeing the hundreds of detrimental side effects of adding 80+ million people to the Earth every year. Why is the price of gas going up? BECAUSE OF INCREASED DEMAND!

People like Rep. Smith want to pull the plugs and allow our population to explode even faster. He defies the laws of nature, which says that there are limits to growth. That's because he believes that God will take care of everything. Hmm, I seem to be missing that part.

The video below is made by a candidate running against him for U.S. Congress. The clips of Smith talking are quite revealing, and shows everyone what this guy is really about. He is a man with a mission. I guess he'll want to arrest couples for early withdrawal as well, or for using the rhythm system, or does God approve of those methods, compared with condoms or birth control pills? Rep. Smith has really wandered into a complex moral quandary. He's really trying to play God in his own little way, or maybe he is trying to BE GOD. I'm not sure.

Enjoy the video...

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