Heaven awaits the righteous.
But who is really righteous?
So, now the terrorists are killing children at a school in Russia. Humanity has sunk to a new low this week. A group of individuals have reverted to the barbarism of our ancient ancestors. We don't seem to be making progress as a species, but rather we are going in circles. The blatant terrorist acts this past month are making me re-think the whole issue. These idiots are not picky about who they slaughter. Whether it be truck drivers in Iraq, airline passengers in Russia, or whatever, it seems that terrorists, particularly Islamic fascists, are quite determined to murder for whatever cause-of-the-month they can think of. Maybe annihilating them is the only answer. One thing is for sure, and that is in the War on Terrorism, everyone must be a lookout and front-line soldier, even women and children. We must all be on the alert to protect one another from the destroyers of civilization.
Now, where is all this anger and hatred coming from? Who is whipping up all the furor? Maybe it's the Georgia turncoat senator, Zell Miller, who betrayed his party at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night. So much for peace, harmony, respect, and reconciliation. Rather, Zell's speech was full of partisanship, vitriol, and divisiveness.
The United States appears more divided than ever between the conservatives and liberals. As for me, I am sick of the name-calling and bigotry on both sides. Conservatives play the "protector of the peace" to cover up their leader's error in Iraq. Liberals play the role of self-righteous judges, and the bantering goes on and on. There is no civility, no respect for different opinions. Everyone has their mind made up and no one seems to care what the other side has to say.
Certainly, both political parties are rascals, but the Republicans, backed by the devious corporate brains and their limitless money, are particularly nasty. Whether it be some obscure millionaire funding Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, or getting a turncoat Democrat to speak at the GOP convention, any standard of decency is gone.
In November when the election rolls around, it doesn't matter who loses, because every single American has lost. Our country is heavily in debt, our manufacturing jobs are going oversees, our middle class is disappearing, and the rich are getting richer and more powerful. And opportunist politicians scream out "sanctity of marriage" when the divorce rate is 52 percent, and they scream "sanctity of life" when the HIV/AIDS infection rate in some African nations is 40 percent.
Let me tell you, there is no such thing as sanctity in this world. The only "sanctity" we see are the moral standards defined by the ruling party. There are so-called "pro life" groups right here in Georgia who scream "sanctity" when a 10-year-old girl is raped by her drunken stepfather and forced to have her child. There are groups who scream "sanctity" when family planning aid is cut off overseas, which insures more crowding, poverty, and misery for millions.
So, Sen. Miller, make your little rambling speeches. Show the world your love, compassion, and understanding. Get angry and rant. Nothing will really come of it, except the lowering of humanity one more notch.
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