The United States of America - heading toward a national
debt of $14.8 trillion.
What are all those Republican conservatives up to?
They are cutting taxes you should rightfully pay, and are deferring them to your children. They are engaging in adventuristic wars and sticking future generations with the tab. They are betraying every principle of the Grand Ol' Party, yet they still have the gall to call themselves conservative Republicans.
Now, if we launch wars overseas, shouldn't the American people have to pay for it? Shouldn't we be assessed with a tax surcharge? Nosiree, President Bush wants you to have your cake and eat it too.
The Clinton-era budget surplus that Bush inherited has been squandered. The $5 trillion surplus has been spent and we are now headed toward another $1.54 trillion in debt. Most of our tax money will be spent paying interest on debt instead of helping the poor. Is that Compassionate Conservatism?
I hear people being interviewed on the radio saying, "Well, I'm voting for Bush because he has cut my taxes and he is fighting terrorism in Iraq." Wrong on both accounts. The President is simply DEFERRING taxes to a future generation, and in regards to Iraq, any connection between Saddam and terrorism is fuzzy at best, and there ARE NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.
Wake up, America! You are being fed distortions and lies. Sure, you can sing the national anthem until the drool runs down your chin, but wake up when the President raids the Social Security fund. That is your money — the money that represents your sweat. It is there to provide you security in your old age, not to fund opportunistic wars.
Why do I bring this up?
Because a key part of sustainability is living within our means. If our nation is buried in debt, we won't even be able to help our own people, let alone the World. Can't you see the predicament we are getting ourselves in? It is unacceptable to pass an unbalanced budget — either our nation must spend less or we must be taxed more. Please, stop screwing over your kids while you are going around saying what a "moral" man George W. Bush is.
On a final note, it appears that the ban on assault weapons will not be renewed. Why isn't our President taking a strong stand on getting this ban renewed? Police officials and law enforcement groups support the ban, but the Righteous Ones seem obsessed with the idea of making rapid-fire murderous weapons available to young people and terrorists.
Do you sense that something is wrong here? The Canary sure does.
We've got the right to bear arms. You never know when our government is going to turn on us. It already has. We gotta protect ourselves. Yeah, from gun lobbyists. The President is a GOOD man. Well, he's good for large corporations. And YOU CANARY are a left-wing trouble making scum. If you don't love this country, why don't you just move to Cuba! Well, I flew over it once and it's quite beautiful. It's all about morality, son. Get right.
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