Some in the U.S. thrive on the
world power and domination.
What if we all have been placed under a spell or some sort of mind control? Are we really reacting the way we feel, or the way some organized power has programmed us?
When I discuss the war and terrorism with really conservative individuals their answers are surprisingly the same. The "RIGHT" answers have been burned into their psyche and their allegiance to the system is infallible. Who has created this Clone Army, and why is their loyalty so unshakable?
I was once a right-wing conservative so I can relate to how they are thinking and feeling. First off, they are united by a great enemy, called Liberals. Other than Barbara Streisand and Ted Kennedy, they really can't pick out any evil Liberals by name. But they know about the ACLU, which is the Liberal front organization. The Liberals are constantly attacking "family values" and want to create a Godless society. The Liberals support abortion and gays, which makes them particularly evil. The Bible is under attack from these worldly and satanic-influenced forces. It is up to us to be the Defenders of the Faith. At least that's how I felt when I wrote my flaming right-wing editorials when I was a newspaper editor in the early 1980s. I was going to use my position as a weekly columnist to right all the wrongs in the world. As a conservative, you stand behind the president, you support the war, and you support God.
As for me, I'm a conservative gone bad. I'm one of those rotten apples that fell out of the basket. Believe me, I wish I could re-join the Clone Army and continue my mindless and empty pursuit of the American Dream. I wish my mechanical arm would just continue to drop money in the offering plate and my little mechanical jaw would continue to make me talk and say, "The Iraqi liberation is righteous and noble. And we are winning the war."
But I am tainted. I am not a Liberal, but rather a very angry and disillusioned Conservative. I have gone awry. So why doesn't Big Brother shut down my blog, or have the CIA "take care of me?" Because I'm too insignificant for them to even care. It's like these alien abductions you always hear about — they only want to study us and our cattle, and we are too unimportant for them to even attempt communication with us. Big Brother knows that the Clone Army will simply consider me a Liberal, which is a giant catch-all category that includes anyone who does not adhere to the One Right Way.
I know my Blog will never convert anyone. But perhaps those marching in unison in the Army of Blind Faith will at least look at me and wonder why one of their own has fallen off the cart. Perhaps that will become the beginning of a crack or fissure that will open their eyes. Maybe if they see enough dissent they will experience a new feeling in their consciousness — a strange urge to question.
Now, for the record, there is nothing wrong with being a conservative. What does trouble me is the trend for conservatives to accept everything they are fed without questioning. Perhaps they are afraid they will be viewed as less spiritual or unpatriotic if they question. Maybe they don't want to anger God.
About the Cartoon Above
I want to think of the United States as a gentle, loving older brother. At many points in our history we have behaved this way, and that's the part I love about my country. But lately, we've been acting like the neighborhood bully. We deal with our problems with aggressive, gut reactions. We think our military is the best, but they are now being humbled by the insurgents, just like they were in Vietnam. Yet, some ignore this and continue to scream, "We are the best, the strong, the God-ordained rulers. We are powerful!!!!." But what we should be is HUMBLE. We should work WITH the United Nations and the world community, no matter how slow and long the process. To scream, "we should pull out of the UN because it's corrupt and infested by liberals" is a shameful copout. If there is a problem at the UN, we should take a positive approach to make it better.
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