Thursday, March 08, 2007

Theocons Wage War On Families

I read a great article in today's newspaper. Okay, let's see if I can get this straight. The thecons are always complaining about how the traditional American family has fallen apart, but it is their allies the neocons who are the cause.

See the neocons are the ones screaming about efficiency etc.. as all our jobs are getting outsourced and manufacturing continues to slip away in the U.S. The U.S. working class now live in a world of instability, with all the mergers, downsizing, etc... When your situation is unstable, it's hard to maintain a traditional family and marriage.

I do not have a problem with the changing job market in the U.S. See, other countries that grow their population with reckless abandon have provided an endless supply of cheap labor. That means American blue collar workers are competing with some guy who gets paid one bowl of rice per day with a fish thrown in on Fridays.

Furthermore, U.S. pro-population policies within our foreign policy have only made the problem worse. Cutting international family planning aid, restricting funding, etc.. only allows foreign populations to grow, grow, grow. Again, that means more labor, and more competition.

I love a free market -- it is simply evolution at it's finest. All I'm saying is that the theocons need to stop bitching about the breakdown of the traditional family because they helped create the problem.

We Americans REFUSE to acknowledge the population explosion, then we act dumbfounded when our job is shipped overseas. In parts of China there are multiple generations of families living in the same hut -- their overhead is cheaper than an American. Doesn't anyone get it?

Meanwhile, the theocons continue to wage war on a woman's right to choose (which creates more labor competition) and gay marriages (typically less fertility).

So, don't you see? The thecons are enthusiastically pro natal, at any expense -- even at the expense of the families they are trying to save.

This all makes me laugh. But every time I laugh I end up crying, so I prefer to just sit in my chair and do nothing. Meanwhile, the Newt Gingriches, Pat Robertsons, and James Dobsons of the world continue to wage war on the very institutions they pretend to support. Yeah, it's all real funny.

P.S. I heard James Dobson interviewing New Gingrich on the radio tonight. The incredible hypocrisy of their agenda makes me want to hurl my beans!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.