Monday, March 12, 2007

Starting To Get It

Yeah, yeah, a big vision is starting to unfold in my life. The idea is to not leave the Earth "in as good of shape as you found it" but rather "in BETTER shape" than when you found it.

All of us humans need to live in such a way that is Zero Footprint, or better. This requires a big switch from the way we are living now. For instance, on the Ishmael discussion board we have been talking about composting our poop, and then composting our bodies when we die. Some will call this extreme environmentalism, but it's all starting to make sense to me.

But I'm really wondering if I have the balls to poop in a bucket and then take it out to my backyard garden. What will my neighbors think?

Anyway, my dear friend Chris gave me permission to post some thoughts on this topic. He is a true prophet, visionary, and the most UNhypocritical person that I've ever met. Here is his quote:
... All of us are trapped in an invisible prison of belief and cultural preconceptions. If we live in a 'normal' home with normal carpeting, bedding, children's toys, curtains, and so on, then yes, errant feces is quite unsettling. If we live however in tipis, bamboo cabanas, adobe apartments, or earthen cob hogans, and the like, the entire illusory perception of separateness from "nature" tends to evaporate. ... I am sure you know all of this intellectually. One of the personal challenges of my life is to transform an academic understanding of sustainability into an experiential one.

Does this quote rock or what? I just love it. However, making all the life changes needed to live in total harmony with the Earth will require a complete "mental retooling" for all of us. But we can do it ... we really have no other choice.


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