Whaaa, I'm not even two yet and I've already
determined that life sucks.
Let Us Think For A Moment .....
Over the past couple of years, I've spent a lot of time researching different religions and trying to find one that fits me better. See, most people just take the one handed to them by their parents, but the one I was given seems to have major shortcomings.
When I take those tests on the Internet to determine my faith, the following religions always top the list:
Liberal Quakers (100%)
Liberal Christian Protestants (95%)
Unitarian Universalism (91%)
Bahá'í Faith (78%)
Secular Humanism (75%)
Neo-Pagan (74%)
New Age (70%)
Reform Judaism (65%)
Mahayana Buddhism (63%)
I've also been fascinated with a new religion started by a young man in nearby Birmingham, AL that is not about faith at all, but rather focuses on logic and reason. It is called Universism and is similar to Deism and Agnosticism (not related to Unitarian Universalism). Even this so-called "religion" is not a good fit for me.
A New Religion
There are thousands of religions on this Planet, and many people insist that their religion is the RIGHT one. Often, people determine this not by analytic reasoning, but simply because they were BORN into a particular religion. It amazes me how people can simply accept their religion without putting it through rigorous examination. Of course, some people feel that God gets angry if they question their religion, which is a great self perpetuation mechanism.
I think we would have a much more peaceful and sustainable World if we simply threw ALL religions out the window. In their place, I would like to propose a new religion. I'll call it Making Others Less Miserable (MOLM).
The Religion of Making Others Less Miserable (MOLM)
See, my religion is based on the tenet that life is basically difficult and miserable. Whether it's financial, health, relationships, or just plain ol' loneliness, there is an abundance of hurt on this Planet. So, to practice this religion, all you have to do is go around and help other people. And, oh yes, I also extend my religion to all animals and nature.
Here are some easy ways to practice the religion of MOLM:
- Just love every human. Bring cheer into their life. Build their self esteem, give them encouragement, make them laugh. Spend time with them when they are lonely. Don't get so self-absorbed in your own pathetic life and pick up the phone and, instead, call someone who is going through a hard time.
- Practice random acts of kindness. Send a card, deliver a meal, or leave an extra large tip for a waiter who is having a bad day.
- Help the poor by finding a family in need and buying them specific items. Give to non-religious charities like American Red Cross.
- Think about everyone in your life — coworkers, friends, neighbors, family, and even strangers — and think about what you can do to lift them up.
Now, I know that you are going to say that a lot of religions practice MOLM, but there is usually a problem with this. You should not practice acts of kindness to get a bigger mansion in heaven or because it's the "Christian thing to do" (I despise that term). Rather, you should do it because it is the RIGHT thing to do, period. Unfortunately, when religions do their brand of MOLM, they often follow their good deeds by hitting you with guilt, fear, intimidation (you're going to HELL!), and coercion to accept their beliefs. Do they really want to make you happy, or are they just trying to grow their Church or religion?
The song "Imagine" by the Beetles and recently re-made by A Perfect Circle, is one of the best songs ever. I think about it often. What a better world it would be if we didn't use our religions as an excuse and justification for hurting one another.
Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...
Imagine there's no countries,
It isn't hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.