So, our entire essence, everything who we are, floats around in this 5-pound organ in our skull. If our organ becomes damaged or diseased, then everything about who we are changes. We cannot escape it—we our stuck with our organic brain and these frail bodies, and these are the tools we have to accomplish our mission in life.
Some of us are pretty, others are ugly, and some must go through life disabled in a wheel chair. It is so UNFAIR. Some of us are smart, while others are born rich. As for me, I have none of the above. I am just a lowly bottom feeder trying to raise a family, hold a job, and make it through life. I am human 3,043,732. I just showed up here one day and I've had to spend my entire life trying to figure it out.
How did I suddenly get in my mid 40s? Where did my 30s go? Was I doing what I was SUPPOSE to be doing?
What happened to my dad? Why did he die of cancer? That would have never happened on the Leave It To Beaver Show. Why do we have to get old, wrinkled, and sickly?
Is the HUMAN SPECIES making any progress? I think so. In World War I millions of men went off to suicidal battles because their country told them to. They rarely questioned it. Now, when a country sends young people to battle, more of them are questioning.
From the Iranian Ministry of Defense:
"We will not sit to wait for what others will do to us. Some military commanders in Iran are convinced that preventative operations which the Americans talk about are not their monopoly. Any nation, if it feels threatened, can resort to that."
Oh my God, do you know what this means? They are saying that because the United States invaded Iraq because they felt threatened, Iran has the right to attack Israel if Iran feels threatened.
Now I heard Condoleezza Rice on the radio this week parroting the Bush party line about the war: "They had the capability, history, and will to make weapons of mass destruction." is what Dr. Rice said in a nutshell. Does this justify an invasion? NO. This whole thing has been spun and repackaged so much that the typical American is going around saying, "Yeah, Saddam tortured and gassed his own people. We are great liberators."
Just a reminder: It is NOT moral, ethical, or nice to wage war on another country except in self defense. Or, a nation may aid another, but only in conjunction with the world community, and only for the task of protecting world peace, and only as a last resort.
While the Yellow Canary believes in peacemaking and nonviolence, he is not a pacifist and he realizes that war is sometimes necessary.
Yes, a preemptive attack may be acceptable as a form of self defense. But this opens a real can of worms, as we've seen from the statements by the Iranians above.
So, getting back to my opening statement, yes, we all are Monkey People. We think we are better and smarter than monkeys, but maybe we are not all that different. We are all animals, and we need to remember that. Humans are just another animal. By recognizing and accepting this fact, maybe it will help us understand and live in greater harmony with other species, and, hey, maybe even other humans. Right now, so many of us live the dream that we are somehow better than other animals and other groups of people. Yet, all of us, including monkeys, are all confined by our cranials.
Let's not forget that. Let us be good Monkeys and not start another Middle East war.
The Sad Canary
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