Gosh, I envy this girl! She was a
cheerleader in high school and
put bubble gum in my hair for fun.
She's Beautiful, with her hair glowing in the light. But she's plastic — just like so many people in our world. I watch them flick their cigarette butts out the window. Yes, God made the Earth as your own personal wastebasket. I see the people in their cars talking away, totally oblivious to the fouled air, the scalped Earth, and the longer waits in traffic. Millions of cars are idling as the fumes rise to the heavens.
And then we have Barbie and Ken, who drive their Hummer and live in their trophy house far out in the trophy suburbs, which used to be farmland. Their mammoth vehicle, filled with Saudi fuel, belches fumes out the back, and they think God is punishing them because their kids have asthma. Ken has a 40 minute ride to work, and most of the time he goes from one traffic jam to the next.
On Sunday they pull their Hummer, the one with the fish on the back, into the church parking lot. The sermon is on tithing, and the preacher screams at them for 40 minutes about the need to GIVE MORE and DO MORE for the Lord. But Ken and Barbie already have their credit cards at the max, so they don't give the sermon much thought.

Nuclear winter? Nope, just the rape of Paulding
County, Georgia.
During the week, they have to drive the kids to soccer, dance, church, school, and the asthma doctor. There are few sidewalks and nothing is close together, so Barbie just drives everywhere. She drives past all the subdivisions going up, all the land being cleared, all the forests being bulldozed, and she has no idea that what she sees will soon mean more traffic. Nosiree, Barbie is perfectly happy because she is living the American dream. She is too busy thinking about Christmas and all the junk she'll be buying for her kids and relatives. On the day of Jesus's birth, she'll participate in the carnal ritual of giving a lot of Made in China junk to her relatives, and then they'll load her up with junk. Sure, she'll get 17 candles and three Ziggy calendars, and she'll even get an electric toothbrush from Uncle Fester, but, hey, it's Christmas, so Barbie will be happy. Ken will be wearing his fluffy sweater and singing Silent Night by the fireplace. Yum, yum, there will even be eggnog.
Do I sound jealous? Shoot yeah. They have the perfect American life. It is the life of excess, driving, polluting, and basically stealing from the rest of the world. The United States is 5 percent of the world's population, yet consumes over 20 percent of the world's energy. Maybe Barbie and Ken will realize this and begin to cry. But then again, maybe they won't. Barbie was a cheerleader in high school and Ken was a football star. As for me, I was a lowly photographer and writer. I was the grime on the bottom of their shoes. And now look at them, they have achieved the dream.
"Every day is a good day to die if you're fighting your enemies"
—Klingon warrior
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