Friday, July 23, 2010

Scared To Heaven

I'm just a little girl - please don't scare me.

At age 8 I became a "born again Christian" simply because I was scared shitless. It was during revival week at church and the evangelist told us how horrible it will be if you are left behind during the tribulation.

Well, that evening I'm in the back seat of the car crying because I'm totally freaked out, and my parents ran and got the preacher. He sat with me in the back of the car and asked me all the "get saved" questions, and I quickly answered "YES" because I did not want Christ to leave me behind. He got out of the car and said to my anxiously waiting parents, "I think he's saved." Holy jeepers, was I ever relieved.

I now believe that religious indoctrination is a form of child abuse.

Backyard Bible Clubs

In the mid 1990s I was a church leader and every summer I had a backyard Bible club in my home (similar to vacation Bible school). Teenagers, serving as summer missionaries, would actually come and do all the work — I only had to house them and provide a place to meet.

The clubs were popular and nearly every child in the neighborhood attended (the parents were grateful for the break). One evening, I heard the kids start asking questions about angels, demons, Heaven and Hell. I was quite concerned because I knew where the conversation was going. They all got scared and wanted to get saved. When news got back to the pastor he was thrilled that six kids "got saved." Out of the several backyard clubs, I had the most "saves" that year -- hurray!

The next week the pastor told me it was time for follow-up. He said we had to visit my neighbors and tell them that their kids got saved, and then we had to try and save the parents. Now, I bet FEW Christians have actually knocked on their neighbor's doors and told them about Christ -- rather, most people simply "play Christian" because it's a culturally cool thing to do. But there I was, with my pastor, trying to tell my pagan neighbors about Jesus. I think I freaked a few out.

I now believe that religious indoctrination is a form of child abuse.

The Scared Little Girl

During another year it was play time during the Bible club and kids were running all over my yard. A couple of boys came up to me and said there was a little girl in the backyard "who wants to be saved." Yikes, this put me in a difficult position because I really didn't want to "save" anyone. I felt it was a huge responsibility to save someone's child from "eternal damnation." What if I screwed up and got the questions wrong?

I went in the backyard and found a pretty little girl crying; I'm guessing she was eight. I had no idea who the child was -- she was apparently the cousin of some of the church kids. This put me in a bind because who am I to go around saving little kids, but then again I was a church leader so I guess I was supposed to do this kind of stuff. So, I went to the girl, asked her the magic three questions, and prayed with her. And then I said, "You're saved - now go play with the other kids," and sure enough she did. I did not want to "save" her. I had helped save a few friends and a cousin in my life, but that's about it. I really thought it was strange that all you had to do was say the magic three sentence prayer and "poof" you go to heaven, and if you don't you are tortured for trillions of years in hell. I mean, that's a no-brainer. And when you think about it, Christianity is truly a screwed up, illogical, and bizarre religion.

I know regret "saving" the kid -- I should have called the pastor and let him deal with it. I can't remember if I ever even reported it -- I think I just let it go. The little girl would now be 22-years-old. I hope she turned out okay -- I hope I didn't mess her up mentally.

I now believe that religious indoctrination of children is a form of child abuse. Teaching children that they are sinful, worthless, and in need of redemption is a horrible thing to do.

SHAME on everyone that tries to force religion on children. At least let them grow up to make their own decision. If they want to snort the white Jesus powder, at least give them that choice. If you are so sure your religion is "right" and "truth" you don't need to brainwash them as youth. Let them be free, PLEASE let the children be free.


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