Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Corporate Raping 101

Class time, kiddies.

I remain puzzled why the Tea Partiers are so determined to leave Big Business alone. They use code words like "limited government" and "free enterprise."

Well, let me tell ya ... See, the rich have been in power for a LONG time and they have figured out how to stay rich. They don't really care what political party is in power, since the Republicans and Democrats are about the same. Both parties know who their masters are.

Social services

There is continual screaming about helping poor people, yet hardly a whimper when it comes to corporate welfare. Actually, corporate America is in control of the welfare state. They want to provide just enough services to avoid civil unrest. Corporate America needs stable markets and stable consumers.

Taxing the Rich

It amazes me how middle class white folks are so protective of the wealthy. After all, many people got wealthy by paying the under classes crappy wages or else exporting their jobs overseas.

Corporate Subsidies

Corporations get tax breaks, incentives, and other government gifts. Agri-business receives millions in welfare. This money could be better spent by giving it directly to the people.

The Power Structure

The people in power want us common folks to fight one another. This keeps the underclass from focusing on the real enemy -- multinational corporations. Everything in the world is designed to serve them, particularly governments. NAFTA, the IMF, World Bank, and Federal Reserve are all big scams designed to keep the rich people rich and the poor people poor.

The System

Sooner or later you will see that the entire system is designed to work against you. It is insane that states are in the lottery business -- this is a way to screw the downtrodden who gamble their last dollars for a lucky break. In the end, they are more downtrodden.

The IRS is designed to screw the middle class. It collects money to provide wealth redistribution. The poor are given benefits to keep them from rioting and stealing. The rich are given tax breaks and subsidies to, well, keep them rich. Most of your money is spent on endless wars, and on occasion, the bailout of worthless companies that are better off closed.

The IRS tax code is so complex that you must either buy third-party software to do your taxes or hire a professional tax preparer. This is horrible, yet we the people accept this racket.

Cheap credit is another trap to enslave you. The evil Federal Reserve will lower interest rates to release credit, so that the economy can grow. Why do they want the economy to grow? So that the fat cats at the top can get fatter.

If you are a lower class citizen the system is totally geared toward keeping you in the dirt. You get your hope from lottery tickets. If you are middle class, you are given just enough hope to keep you working. And by the way, most of us are slaves to large corporations.

Tea Party ... Yeah, PARTY!!!

Like religion, the Tea Party Patriots are yet another wonderful tool that has fallen into the hands of the Corporate Masters. They did not have to create the movement. Rather, they created all the lies in our culture that make people feel truly American when they scream "free enterprise" and "limited government." It is so nice of the Patriots to do the bidding of the Masters — Sarah Palin and her ilk have all been programmed well.

AND ....

It's embedded in us to think of Karl Marx as a bad person, but when you study his work you'll find that he wasn't such a bad guy at all. He observed the class struggles around him and figured it out. Karl Marx was right -- capitalism is unsustainable and will surely fail.

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