Things have so hectic at work that I rarely have time to blog, or do volunteer work. And that's a double irony. First, most of us must leech off the very system we don't like, you know, the one that's destroying the Earth. And secondly, most of us are so worn out from our jobs, and just trying to survive, that we have little time or energy for volunteer work.
As I go through this journey of life, I have resigned myself NEVER to give up, but I've really slowed down. I continue to become more cynical, jaded, and detached from our insane civilization.
The biggest disappointment of all is that I thought we could all come together as a team to tackle major issues like health care and climate change. The bickering, delusions, pettiness, and ignorance are absolutely incredible. The older I get, the more I realize how extremely ignorant the masses are.
The other disappointment is I'm realizing the utter futility of trying to reason with a religious person. These people are extremely defensive and typically have a narrow world view. There's no chance in debating them because they immediately see you as a baby killer, heretic, and all-around rotten person. For instance, I recently offended my religious neighbor just by saying I believe in evolution. For some reason, the idea that we came from monkeys really offends religious folks. But I have good news — we DIDN'T come from monkeys, only a common ancestor.
Then the extreme violence of the Muslim world continues to discourage me. I know it's PC to defend them, but honestly, Islam totally sucks. I'm not going to worry about offending people who rape their female prisoners before executing them, so that they won't go to heaven. I have zero respect for Islam, and ALL religions for that matter.
Even in our own country we have plenty of Christian militia, albeit they are far less violent than the Taliban and Sunni extremists. I'm finding that many of the "independent Baptist" churches in our country are simply political and social organizations. Most repulsive of all is Pastor Steve Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ — you know, the idiot who said the president should be put to death. His church is nothing more than an organizing center for Christian militia, just like many mosques are meeting places for Muslim militia. And thus, we have reason number 1,098 for why religion is just all around bad.
So, I journey on, in this very crazy world. I do sort of look forward to when I can escape this nut house ... you know, the place where people destroy themselves and planet, and are too stupid to do any better. Yeah, that's the place — Earth.
I really do love the human species — we are fascinating creatures. But I have no problem if our species goes extinct. It is quite possible that when we go down that we will do irreparable harm to our very beautiful planet. But that's okay too. There are probably a few more Earth-like planets in the Universe, and when some other dominant species evolves, I hope they do better than we did.
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