Tuesday, December 22, 2009


The woman in this video is Maryam Namazie, an activist against Sharia Law. Sharia is the brutal fundamentalist law enforced by many Muslims.

Maryam has great courage. She is risking her life to fight for social justice and to make life better for others, especially women. She's a great speaker. And she's not just talking behind a webcam or writing on a keyboard — she is out there in public, talking with great passion, and inspiring others.

Many people do nothing for social or environmental issues, and some do a lot. But few risk their lives for their causes. To me, these are the very greatest people in the world. Maryam has my extreme, deepest respect.

I have demonstrated before and have even done some civil disobedience to defend the environment. I have been arrested and threatened with arrest. But never have I been in fear of my life. Those who risk their lives are the true champions. I hope there is a time in my life when I can test my courage like Maryam and others. When the real test comes, I'm not sure how I'll stand up, but I hope that I hold firm. If I pass the test, I might not be able to celebrate because I may be dead.

To the activists in repressive countries like Iran, China, and other nations, I applaud and salute you. To the activists who stand up to the tyranny of Islam, you have my greatest respect of all. Your oppressors are not very nice and have no problem justifying extreme violence for their faith. To me, that's an awfully sick faith.

Please remember Maryam in your thoughts. Or, better yet, support her cause.

One Law For All - No Sharia Campaign

1 comment:

Thinkspeak said...

who was that? oh ya, andy warhol, who said, artists don't take risks, mountain climbers take risks - we should substitute activists. and it was bertrand russell i believe who cautioned us to not compare the worst of one religion with the best of another... i went to a discussion of the death 'sentence' passed on salmon rushdie some time back and was rather shocked that though no one there actually agreed with the sentence not one person brought up free speech... so, ya, there seems to be something medieval (sp?) going on but we don't have to look too far to find it here at home either... jim crow isn't so far in the past and it doesn't seem to take much to create a stampede and there are a bunch of dead folks in vietnam and iraq and nicaragua and... and...