It's 6:43 a.m. in the morning, and I'm sitting here confused, and thinking that life is a total trip.
First of all, homo superstitious is a real disappointment as a species. During this health care debate I've seen what a pathetic, ignorant, and stupid lot that Americans really are. Democracy is a beautiful thing, but before it can work the citizens must be civil and educated, and must be able to participate in enlightened debate. But what we have now is a bunch of talking heads on TV who fan the flames of partisanship for the sake of higher ratings .... and dumbed down America absorbs their crap like a sponge and then they attend town hall meetings where they disrespect their elected leaders and regurgitate the mindless crap of the Fox News hatemongers. Albeit, the political left has their share of hatemongers as well.
So, whatever happened to teamwork? Whatever happened to working together to solve a huge national problem, like finding a way to provide health care for millions of uninsured citizens? I have seen so much greed, hate, and ignorance in the last few weeks that I am totally disgusted. As Rodney King said, "Why can't we just get along?"
Now, I'm pretty sure that if we can't even solve important social problems without all the partisan rancor, how can we ever solve our massive environmental and geo-political problems? We can't, and we are screwed. We are a pathetic and disgusting species, yet every time I say that I run into some wonderful individual who reminds me that humanity is worth saving. We are the good and bad, all rolled into one.
Most offensive of all to me are the under-endowed pricks who are carrying guns to the health care meetings and rallies. Does that gun really make you feel like a man, maybe for the first time in your life? Doesn't anyone see a paradox between health care and guns? America the beautiful is actually a dysfunctional, gun-crazed society that talks about Christianity and love, but is full of violence and hate. Once the cheap energy runs out and our economy continues to deteriorate, more of these gun-toting yahoos will start cracking under the pressure and using their guns. If you don't believe me, pick up the daily newspaper — it's already happening all over the nation and we simply accept it, as the NRA works vigorously to pump more bullets and weapons into our demented society.
So, wrap yourself in your American flag, wave your gun and Bible, and scream about Hitler and Nazis and death panels all you want. Because YOU, the average Jane and John Doe American, are the source of all your angst. You have created this sick, narcissistic, double-standard society that is now consuming you and crushing you. You are the hypocrites, the Bible-thumping madmen, and the beer guzzling dittoheads. You and ONLY YOU are bringing this nation down into the abyss that it so rightfully deserves.
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