Quotes That Don't Make Me Feel Giddy
I'm on several discussion lists that cover global issues like population and peak oil. Here are a couple of memorable quotes from the last week or so:
"Things will certainly change when the widespread domestic violence begins (probably a few years away). However, it may not be the kind of political change that anyone wants." — Jay
"As homo superstitious — dominated by his/her reptilian brain — is in massive numerical overshoot already, the only steady state likely is disaster. Humans will not reduce breeding nor consumption due to rational persuasion."
— Steve
Goose Responds: I'm just not going to give up. Somewhere deep inside us there is the ability to save ourselves. The right solution, connection, or whatever, just hasn't been found yet, but it is there somewhere inside our collective soul. I will always have hope .... always!
Book Review Time

Title: Threshold: The Crisis of Western Culture
Author: Thom Hartmann
Summary (from Sacramento Bee): In "Threshold: The Crisis Of Western Culture," writer and Air America host Thom Hartmann argues that the deteriorating state of our planet, where the dynamics of environmental, economic, and population change are boiling over the limits within which society can function, is inevitably near at hand. In clear and impassioned prose, Hartmann busts the myths and ideologies of religious fundamentalism, capitalism run amok, male domination, and militarism that are draining our world of its natural and human resources and engendering the suffering of millions for the benefit of the few.
Goose Comment: The paragraph above says it all. It is the "myths and ideologies"
of our institutions that are destroying us. It's hard to get any meaningful change because of the pushback from people who are in power and who benefit from the status quo.
Olduvi Theory

This chart is quite interesting. Click on it to download a copy of the research paper. Basically, the Olduvai Theory states that the life expectancy of industrial civilization is approximately 100 years: circa 1930-2030.
Beautiful Un-Sunset

Patriotic Moment

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