Why Americans Are Lazy
Back in prehistoric days, the individuals and tribes with the most food, most efficient organization, and best weapons were the winners. Those who could not compete were weeded out by evolution.
The problem is that these successful humans tended to be selfish, horded resources, and became lazy. Ta da, they have now evolved into Americans.
Unfortunately, our success in the caves of Europe 20,000 years ago may now lead to our failure in the good ol' USA. We have become like the Roman Empire in its last days — obsessed with good food, entertainment, sports, narcissism, and self-indulgence, and not really about the Earth or future generations.
Then there is the problem with all these big modern "tribes" that try to compete with one another for dominance. For instance, today we see Islam and Christianity competing with one another. One way these "tribes" try to overpower the other is by mass breeding. Growing the human population is never really a good solution, because all those humans require more resources and make a greater impact on the Earth.
I'm not sure how this will all end, but I am certain of one thing: We are all prisoners of our genetic coding, much more than we can ever imagine. So much of our behavior can be traced to those early days in our evolution. The problem is that what once suited us back in caveman days is not likely going to work well in our modern, global economy.
A thanks to brother Steve in Maine for sharing his insight.
1 comment:
This blog and website is as entertaining and filled with useful information about how to save the planet as any I have seen.
Thanks for sharing this perspective with the human family. We need many voices. Yours is one of the loudest and clearest.
Steve Salmony
AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population, established 2001
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
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