Over the past 10 years we've worked together on many environmental efforts and campaigns through our local Sierra Club Group. Maria has a special calling to care for the Earth, and for that I have the deepest respect and admiration for her. We have tabled together, demonstrated together, worked in political campaigns, and have fought for the same worthy ideals.
When I think of her, there are so many memories that come to mind. Maria, when you get better I'd like to share with you just a few of the ways you touched my life. Here are some things that immediately come to mind:
1) When you presented me with that beautiful plaque after my term ended as Sierra Club Group Chair. I still have that plaque and it's one of the things that truly mean a lot to me.
2) When you saw me bringing refreshments to all the Sierra Club meetings and you took the initiative to organize and coordinate the refreshments each month. I was so thankful to have the help.
3) When you attended a couple of the population workshops I organized. Just having you there was a great show of support and it meant a lot to me.
4) When we demonstrated against Saxby Chambliss and you were talking to the cops, no doubt saving us from getting arrested.
5) When I organized the first Earth Day tablings in 1998 I was at one of the tabling sites and was afraid that no volunteers would show up to staff our booth, but then you and Roger showed up — I was so glad to see you, and so grateful.
I have a special respect and love for anyone who volunteers and "gives back" to this world. But I have the deepest respect for those who help the environment and future generations. Chances are you may never see a return on your investment of time because the rewards are far into the future, yet you keep giving and giving, and serving and serving. This is remarkable.
Thank you very much for inspiring me. Thank you for reminding me that humans are for the most part wonderful, and that it is the most dedicated ones among us who will be the ones that will ultimately save the community of life.
You will be reading this soon, Maria. I know you will.