Friday, December 07, 2007

Open Letter To Gov. Sonny Perdue

This is in response to a prayer service held in Georgia where the governor asked God to break the drought. Yeah, I now, funny.

Dear Governor Perdue,

I wanted to thank you for praying for rain. The next day it rained a 1/4 of an inch at my house. Since you definitely get results, I was wondering if you could add a few more items to your prayer list:

  • Pray that the state will keep its promise to allow hybrids to use the HOV lanes, instead of hassling them at inspection stations.
  • That business, government, and environmentalists will all work as a team to promote water conservation.
  • Help the state legislature to develop an environmental ethic (yes, I know that would be a miracle).
  • Convict state and county politicians to focus on quality of life and long-term sustainability, instead of always keeping the growth pedal pushed to the floor.
  • Pray that our state leaders, including yourself, will be given the wisdom to promote a regional mass transit system.
  • That more cities and counties would adopt Cool Cities.

I know that you are busy traveling around the world trying to encourage more industry (i.e. more people) to come to Georgia. No problem, I understand, but if you could squeeze in my requests, I would be extremely grateful.


The Goose

More added by my friend and colleague Jo:

  • Make Ga. DOT continue to allow 2 person carpools as they try to widen 20 East and not kick them off, (which obviously will be most of the carpools) only allowing 3 person carpools. Help me to understand that this is just another way for the highway lobby with HOT ( paid) lanes and less carpools to make money while increasing the number of autos on the road, thus the demand for more roads.
  • Help me to remember my own ignored and forgotten early Executive Order to conserve water in all state facilities.
  • Inspire me to spend the "Go Fish," $18 million bucks to make sure there is some water to fish in, as in a real state water plan, as requested by Carol Couch, not just the cheap sham as proposed now.
  • Help me to stop fiddling while Atlanta goes the way of the Anasazi and the deserted cities of temples, etc. in Mexico. Tell me how Atlanta is going to support twice as many people when the population doubles in 2030. According to the AJC, you must have already settled that with God, since Atlanta is not even preparing for losing its collapsing resource, which is already showing early signs of eutrophication, and demonstrating what will begin happening at the end of the the "life" of the Corps lakes. Ask God how much longer 50 year old lakes will last. (They all have a predicted life span when built and will silt up and die within 60 to 90 years or so.)
  • Ask God to permanently provide enough money for tanker trucks of water for the present millions plus the expected additional millions. Ask him to make sure that we don't have to stand in line more than 2 hours a day and that we have enough old milk cartons to fill and flush our toilets once a day and to bathe at least once a week, etc., etc.
  • Ask God to inspire Ga. Power to begin buying all its lake water power from the power grid instead of releasing (how much?) millions of gallons twice daily from our lakes for peak power production.
  • Ask God if he is really going to provide all the water we need if we just keep fiddling and praying, or if we do a rain dance, too, if that will help, so we can just keep having our tax funded economic development agencies, with your help, keep beating the bushes to bring in more people.
  • Please thank God for allowing you to predict that Atlanta's economy (waterless or not) is fine and will continue to be fine. That alone is a miracle, so you must have a direct line to him to allow you this miraculous vision.

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