Uuugh, my sister gave a copy of Glenn Beck's book to my brother for Christmas. I warned him to take it with, shall I say, a GRAIN OF SALT. The title of the book is "An Inconvenient Book - Real Solutions to the World's Biggest Problems." While I try to keep an open mind I totally disagree with most everything he says. His manipulation of facts in the name of "truth" is most interesting. I'm glad the political right has a new hack — they need all the help they can get to perpetuate their fear-mongering, distortions, and downright lies.
So, tonight, I present to Glenn Beck the Golden Poop Award for twisting and manipulating "truth," in the name of truth.
The Winner:
Hurray! It made my week to see one of my heroes in today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution — Ray Anderson, head of Interface, a Georgia-based carpet business. He is a national leader in the corporate sustainability movement and is working to reduce his company's impact on the Earth to zero.
As the story goes, in 1994 he read the book "The Ecology of Commerce" by Paul Hawken and then had a life-changing epiphany.
"It was like a spear in the chest," he says. "I had never given a single thought to what we were taking from the Earth ... I was convicted as a plunderer of the Earth, and I've spent the last 13 years as a recovering plunderer."
In recent years he has transformed his carpet company into a sustainable firm and a role model for all companies around the world. Unlike other businesses, he is doing more than just recycling — his firm is into restoration. In other words, "Let's put back more than we take. let's do more good than harm."
WOW, I love this guy. And for his great work I bestow upon him not the Golden Goose Award, but the Platinum Goose Award — the highest honor that I can give to any Earth-Saver.
Bless you Ray Anderson, for you give me and my family hope.
Oh, let me finish with another of his great quotes. This is how he defines sustainability:
"At Interface, [sustainability] means operating our pretroleum-intensive company in such a way as to take nothing from the Earth that's not naturally and rapidly renewable and do no harm to the biosphere. On the equity side, it means treating people fairly."

Awesome — that says it all. I LOVE IT!
The Goose
Ray Anderson, a great leader in the Sustainability Movement.