Well, it appears that it doesn't matter any way, since we lost Vietnam and now we are losing Iraq.
Now that the good Democrats are finally taking a stand on this insanity, they are becoming the scapegoat, just like Vietnam. The U.S. warmongers scream, "See, it's all your fault, you are trying to control the military and you are empowering our enemies."
Nonsense. The bottom line is that NON-DEFENSIVE WAR IS WRONG -- always has been, and always will be. When you engage in something that is morally and ethically wrong, you should not be surprised when it turns around and bites you in the ass. That is what is happening in Iraq.
See, I want our boys and girls home because I'm sick of reading the death reports in the newspaper each day. I know that some of them want to "finish the job" but I don't think it can ever be finished. We put our troops in a bloodthirsty region where people continually kill one another in the name of their clan, religious sect, political party, or just for fun. It's not right to put our troops in that situation.
IRAQ WAS AN UNNECESSARY WAR - No weapons of mass destruction were found.
Let's not forget that, boys and girls. Those who have wrapped themselves in the U.S. flag need to peek through the fabric that's over their face and see the deep mess we are in.
We just have to slaughter more Americans before we can come to grip with that. An Iraqi democracy and a stable government are a pipe dream. What government that does exist in this failed nation is corrupt to the core and completely infiltrated by clans and tribes who have their own loyalties.
The point of the story is that all humans need to EVOLVE beyond violence. We need to find a better way of doing things, rather than using force. Yes, I know the world is a crazy and brutal place, but those who revere peace can stand up against the rouge states and creatively use nonviolent tactics. There is a LOT we could have done with Iraq besides war.
Now, what have we accomplished? Now we must face an increasingly aggressive and belligerent Iran. The Iranians know how to deal with states they don't like, for we have taught them well.
On this Easter, I hope God will forgive the United States of America for its sins.
May I respectfully point you to this book: "Constant Battles: Why We Fight" by Steven LeBlanc and Katherine E. Register?
It may offer a certain perspective on war that may be useful in formulating some thoughts?
I would want to recommend the Peter Paret's translation of von Clausewitz's 'On War' but I will not be presumptuous.
That is very kind of you to suggest these books. I will put them on my reading list. "Constant Battles" has been recommended to me before so I know that it is a "must read."
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