Friday, April 06, 2007

Save Me From My Cynicism

Today I'm thinking that the entire world is slowly going insane. My government, people in general, and everything is totally nuts. We have politicians that argue about everything and never get anything done. We have a "democracy" that is controlled by the rich -- nothing has changed since the days of Ancient Greece. We have millions of people who are ignorant or indifferent of the world's problems. We have more millions that are treating one of the Greek religions as hard fact, we have a president that needlessly sends men and women to die in an unnecessary war, we have a U.S. Congress that can't do nothing except vote itself raises.

Honestly, I think less and less about this country that I was born in. I really have lost respect for the ol' Red, White, and Blue. I think it would be more appropriate to put a big dollar sign on the flag. I have no idea what patriotism means anymore. The U.S. is a great world example for democracy, but I doubt we've ever had a democracy. Our government is simply controlled by the people with the big bucks. George W. Bush is a mindless puppet of the Neocons and Profiteers.

As far as "making it better" I don't know what the answer is. The whole government needs to be restructured. It really needs to be "For the People" instead of "For the Corporation." Most importantly, people must have faith in their government and the democratic process. Most people don't even bother to vote, and many of those who do are single-issue voters: gun rights, anti-choice, etc...

Maybe one day we'll make it better. But then again, maybe not.


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