Marching on to the next level.
This lifetime work to achieve peace and sustainability on the Planet is really difficult. In fact, I don't think I can get the job in my lifetime. But if all of us Canaries do what we can: we get the word out, educate others, do a lot of writing, a lot talking, and a lot of volunteer work, and eventually we help humanity take a big step forward.
Why do we do this? No doubt to give meaning to our lives. When we are working for an exciting goal or cause, life is very fulfilling. We have a purpose — a real purpose, not just some fabricated story. Saving the Earth is very exciting work. Everyday, I see new buds in the Sustainability Movement start to blossom. I get emails, I read articles, I hear people talking and see their work—it's exciting.
I've often thought about starting a nationwide sustainability umbrella group. In fact, I did start a sustainability group here in Georgia that is still functioning after seven years. But I'm thinking that an umbrella organization already exists through the Sierra Club and other large environmental groups—the infrastructure is already there and all of our goals are ultimately the same.
In fact, the Sierra Club has been working on new issues that are extremely exciting to me, most notably sustainable agriculture and the promotion of locally grown food. The idea is that it's impractical to spend gallons of fuel transporting food from all over the hemisphere just so you can have a "3,000-mile Caesar salad." Already the Club is supporting New Urbanism and sustainable communities as an alternative to the sprawl hell that is destroying our countryside.
So, yeah, maybe instead of starting a new group we can all operate within the framework of existing institutions. Gosh knows, these big organizations are cumbersome, bureaucratic creatures, but we are not perfect either, so what the heck.
Okay, I know this is a really boring post and it's my rants that everyone enjoys reading. Sorry, but sometimes I just have to get my thoughts out so that I can use them as a reference point for climbing to the next step.
See, I am determined to save the world. I an not striving for utopia — only a peaceful and nature-respecting society that lives a little slower and that focuses more on spiritual values rather than materialism. The rightist American religions really have nothing to do with spirituality, and have everything to do with promoting the so-called American lifestyle, American "values", and all the other pack of lies that have NOTHING to do with Christianity.
Enough for now. The Canary must rest.
Yellow Canary
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